Denied How do I know if I got banned from the shoutbox?

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by FaZzy, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. FaZzy

    FaZzy Member

    I rememeber I posted a Tinyurl link in the shoutbox and I think I got banned from the shoutbox? How was I supposed to know that Tinyurl links were banned at the time? Just because some hacker or whatever the guy was posted a malicious Tinyurl link means I got taken off the shoutbox? Blasphemy.
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    You knew exactly what you were doing when you posted that link, you had intent to cause harm to many members of our forums and for that you were revoked privileges from posting. Further attempts similar to this will warrant you a forum ban. The administrator that banned you was @Thorn, he will give the final verdict here. For the time remaining this thread will be locked. Please be patient as this may take a while. In the meantime please try to become a caring member of this community if you wish to be apart of it.
  3. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    You posted a tinyurl that was either the one that the hacker was posting or one very similar so your ban on the shoutbox will not be lifted for a good month considering what @Event Horizon said about anyone posting that link will get the. A respective one month ban.
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