Denied HornyBear's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by HornyBear, May 31, 2015.

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  1. HornyBear

    HornyBear New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Mr. Horny Bear
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was falsely accused of Mic Spam
    Evidence of Innocence:
    So before the ban i was gagged for two rounds for losing my temper and saying some, as I will admit, uncalled for things. After I was ungagged a new user joined asking if anyone could talk and be their friend. Joking around i said "No.", but then immediately followed with "Lol jk I will". Shortly after this he asked if we wanted to hear a joke, I replied with "Yes.". He asked "What's the longest part of my body", Holding in my immense laughter i asked 'Your penis?". The user then giggled and said "What? No!". I was then gagged by admin Finn and when I asked "Y was I gagged?' he said "Because I didn't have time to ban you.". I then said "But I didn't do anything" and before I could witness a response the game had told me "You have been banned from this server for: Mic Spam.". i am unsure how this affair is considered Mic spam and would greatly Appreciate being unbanned.​
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Thank you for taking time to file this appeal.

    Looks like you were banned by @Finn for Micspam. This ban is only 8 hours.

    He will reply when he can. Goddess watch over you.
  3. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    After numerous warnings for micspam and using racial slurs and other inappropriate language, as @Rek can attest to, I gagged and muted you, as you yourself admit.

    You were ungagged and unmuted after 2 rounds, only to immediately begin talking about penises again. At the time I was handling two Group Trolling bans as well, so I gagged you a final time so that you would stop talking about penis and I could finish those bans, and then banned you for micspam.

    It's an 8 hour ban, so I will not accepted this appeal, nor would I accept it if it was a 24 hour, or 5 day ban. Blatant spam is unacceptable, racial slurs and constant reference to porn even more so. Refer to this link for more information on our rules and protocol.

    Appeal Denied.
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