Denied HighPixel's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by HighPixel, Jun 22, 2016.

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  1. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    All of them
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I know this is no excuse, and can understand if this gets denied. But I am sorry for the trouble I caused on all of the servers, I had a bad day yesterday and just wanted to vent some steam. I know that coming on to your servers and causing havoc was wrong of me and I promise it won't happen again. I would also like to appologise to all the players and staff I was a dick too.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I know I'm not innocent of my crimes, but promise it won't happen again.​
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    You were banned for Ban Evasion by @Shaddoll, Mass RDM ( 3 ) by @Mr. Rogers, and Rdm and leave 1st by @Shattered. Please wait while they take the time to respond to this appeal.
  3. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    You say Ban Evading, but could you explain what that actually entitles? Did I ban evade by being banned on one server and then joining another?
  4. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    I originally had you banned for Harassment towards another player, I had you checked for alternate accounts by @CDriscoll which led to the Ban Evasion ban. Please wait while I gather my harassment evidence.
  5. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    I'm not denying my offenses. Like i said in the OP 'I had a bad day yesterday and just wanted to vent some steam.' I know I did it in the wrong way.

    I don't have an alternate account, I'm playing on a public internet (University Internet) that could be why it came up?
  6. Shattered

    Shattered pinnacle of mediocrity VIP

    Hello Hypixel, I banned you for Rdm and leave 1st after you left before I issued a slay on you for this report:
    Here is the screenshot of you leaving:

    You claimed that the player in question was sniping, although after going through the shot logs I found no evidence of him shooting with a sniper rifle during the round.
    After seeing that you have been banned for Ban Evasion and Mass RDM x3, I will be denying your appeal from my side. I would recommend that you don't vent your frustration by RDMing other players
    Appeal: Denied
  7. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    But I'm not ban evading though, and I heard sniping and saw him in a prime sniping position. Also my game crashes alot, so that's why it may have looked like I left with a slay still in place. And I thought TTT damage logs flagged up in chat when I leave with a slay left... So it seems like that may be a false ban.
  8. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    I'll get right into this saying that I find this very hard to believe considering within one of the pieces of evidence I have, you're admitting that this is an alt you use for hacking. Can you explain that? In these links, I have evidence of harassment even after I kicked you plus that statement.
    I will be denying the harassment part of this appeal. Harassment is taken extremely seriously on these servers and will not be tolerated. I heavily urge the denial of the Ban Evasion part as well, but that is for CDriscoll to decide.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  9. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    So just because I say this is an Alt you ban me for ban evading? Have you ever heard of a joke?
  10. HighPixel

    HighPixel New Member

    I just want to be able to play on the only decent TTT server on GMOD, even if my ban gets reduced rather than appealed I would be happy. But I think 6months is a bit of an excessive ban.
  11. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    As far as my Mass RDM (3) ban is concerned, this demo shows you prop killing multiple individuals in one round. I was informed by a player to watch you, and I saw you the very next round blatantly prop kill 3 people.

    As my demo clearly shows you prop killing 3 individuals, my Mass RDM (3) ban for your alt account is Denied. Expressing regret for your actions is a good thing, but regret never excuses the actions themselves.

    All of your bans have been denied, except for the Ban Evasion one placed by @CDriscoll. After he gives his verdict, this appeal will be locked up.

    Have a nice day.
  12. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    We do not ban simply for jokes and, if you didn't have two accounts on the same IP, both of which have acquired numerous bans, this wouldn't ever have been the reason you were banned for ban evasion.

    We have ways of seeing which accounts are linked, share IPs, and other things of that nature. You happen to share an IP with another account, named Sergeant Jaffa, who has also recently been banned for multiple offenses of RDM and Leave. Not only does this verify your "joke" that this is your alternate account for hacking, but makes it extremely difficult to buy your story that this is simply another user of your public internet. Both accounts have been used on the same IP multiple times, and on days where either one or the other is banned. To prove this, I'll show you the accounts' adminstats side by side.
    On 6/20/2016, your primary account, Sergeant Jaffa, was banned for RDM and Leave, and it had been banned on almost all other servers as well. The very next day, HighPixel shows up and you claim it is your alternate account for hacking, which it was banned for initially. This doesn't look like coincidence and, if you truly want to be unbanned, you'll need to do a lot of convincing, and prove to us that this is not your account, and you are not the one operating it. It is up to you how you go about doing this, though until then both accounts will remain banned for Ban Evasion for 26 weeks, or 6 months.

    Until you can prove that this account has no affiliation with you, or you admit that this is your account, this ban appeal will be denied and locked up. We will be constantly monitoring and keeping an eye out for any further accounts, so please be wary.

    Thanks, and have a good day.
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