Approved Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap, Apr 6, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    a report was filed on me around 2:30 in the morning. I saw foofsa burn an innocent body that had just been killed. as a detective, I wasn't sure if I should exactly KOS him for that, especially since there were only four others aside from me left including him, so I asked if that's kos able, and sky4blue i think was his nickname, said yes kill him, and I said "so kos him then?" and he said yeah kill him. I killed foofsa, who wound up being innocent. there were then four players left including me, and no T's were traiting, so I figured that was sky's way of doing it, and that he was false KOSing, because he did kos foofsa, who appered to be innocent.
    Sky was innocent.
    BeastlyMcklinnley, who was one of the two mods, set up a slay and private messaged me saying that what sky said wasn't a kos because he didn't use the exact words "i am KOS'ing him" which I think would be fair enough, If he hadn't filed it before sky's report was even don't being written. the second I pulled the trigger, beastly had already decided I was being slain, and a report hadn't been issued yet.
    The issue I am here for is this:
    after being issued a slay without a report having been filed against me yet, I console command typed kill so that I could answer the report and address the situation, but within seconds of respawning and the report just barely popping up, I was booted by the game. It said something along the lines of "Auto-booted by console for karma being too low, return in 60 minutes", NOW I'm stuck in a situation where there is (an arguable) report filed against me, and I can't possibly reply to it at all, and due to the nature of how beastly slayed me before the report was even filed, I am entirely sure that he instantly banned me for rdm and leave, when that is not the case, because I couldn't come back to finish my response to the report.. a report that had been deemed a slay on my part before that report was even written.
    Anybody who knows me on this server knows that I have NEVER skipped out on a slay. even if I don't agree with the terms of my punishment, I always serve It.
    This happened to be an unfortunate circumstance where I couldn't finish the report against me, and couldn't serve the slay that was prematurely issued to me, which even if I considered unjust, I would have still served nonetheless.

    Now as I try to re-log in to the server, it says "Banned for 5 days. to appeal".
    "2014-04-06 00:35:55 Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap STEAM_0:0:66722388 RDM & LEAVE 7200 West CONSOLE"
    are my ban terms, which means that I was banned for 60 minutes by the console mid-game, and because of that, I was banned for 5 days by the console, because the console's own ban prevented me from filling out the report or serving Beastly's pre-determined slay.

    I did not RDM and leave, and I did not intentionally avoid my punishment.
    I was unable to return because of a 60 minute auto ban by the console.
    I have never in my history of Serious TTT left to avoid a slay. I love this server, even when I dont get to play on it due to a punishment, That's why I donated, and that's why I'm always here. It is up to a council of moderators as to whether or not I deserved that slay, But I assure you that I DID NOT deserve the 5 day ban, because I Promise on my life that I would have served any slay issued to me.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. The proper names of those involved were:
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    @BeastlyMcKinley will reply at his nearest convenience. All mods should check admin stats before issuing bans to prevent a) issuing a first offense ban to a multiple offense player and b) to prevent banning a person for RDM and Leave for karma bans.
  4. BeastlyMcKinley

    BeastlyMcKinley You mod, bro? VIP

    I did not know that you got karma banned, it did not say so, so I will allow the ban to be lifted
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