Denied Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap, Dec 28, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Let me start off by pointing out the fact that NEVER in over a year of me being an avid player in this community, have I ever had an isue with ghosting. I have not only sought out other players suspected of ghosting and repored them with detailed write outs, but I have gone so far to prevent ghosting that when one of my friends who stays the night and also plays on STTT with me, I move to another room in the house so that their is no accidental screenpeaking or knowledge and that the game is enjoyable ghost free. with that said, this incident was a misunderstanding. I called out a traitor (Pacifist) from across the map. As I was calling him out, I ducked around the corner under what I thought was solid cover. around the time of the incident, @Husky, and @thelunchlady and I had been vocally and jokingly bantering back and forth over the headsets. just before I ducked behind cover, Husky asked me if I heard an explosion on the map, which by the way was Dolls. Me, suspecting that that was husky's joking and suspiscious way of teasing at the idea of him being a T and possibly coming to get me next. As i was under what I thought was enough cover from @Pacifist, I began to type a personal message to joke back at him and say something along the lines of "I'm coming for you as a joke." As I began to type "!p husk", I realized that nobody had repeated my callout outloud, and I then took damage because Pacifist had slight visibility on me through my alleged cover. REalizing, that my only hope was to write "read my callout" in the hopes that someone would see it, i looked down and hammered it quickly and hit enter, however, by the time I looked up, I had already been killed, yet I had sent the message. I also didn't realize that I had still left the "!p husk" attatched. it all happened very quickly, and immediatly, husky vocally said "ohh herp derp has some ghosting going on I see" and so I tried to explain the situation, but I was dead and he was living so I pm'd him trying to disprove to him through the short facts best I could to argue my position, because explaining the whole story wouldn't fit in the Pm's. I told him that it immediatly shouldn't have been considered ghosting because my callout had been made in chat before I sent him the PM in question. speaking legally in STTT rules, I had made the entire lobby aware that Pacifist was a T by stating it in chat TWICE, and thus, every living player was aware of the information Provided, prior to my death, seeing as how in agreeance with what every mod I've encountered has always said: It is the responsibility off all players to read the chat, and anything said in the chat is assumed to be understood and known by all players. not reading the chat is not an excuse for not knowing something that has been stated.

    Even with the technicality that what I did was not ghosting, because I did not share information not yet made clear to the living, my situation still should have been looked at deeper because the entire incident was a misunderstanding, and I have never had a history of ghosting, if anything i've had a history of busting ghosters.
    Husky, after my defensive statements, argued to me vocally (as I listened as a spectator) that he was not yet aware of that information, and was going to reporting me for ghosting to him information that he was unaware of. Not only did I make the entire server aware the Pacifist was a T through my callouts, but it turned out that HUSKY WAS A T, and was absolutely aware of that specific information before any of this situation happened, therefore making it impossible for me to has ghosted to him to let him know that his T buddy was a T, when that was known to him from th start of the match.
    In addition to this, I would like to note my relationship with cthulu. she is the mod who banned me, and she banned me the next round.
    Cthulu has judged quite harsh when it comes to reports filed by or involving me, and I have not reported it, because I have been attempting to gether evidence. the amount that we have played ttt together hass been short, but our first experience together was a negative one from both of our own perspectives for ouw own reasons. any game when she has been mod, I have had an unpleasent experience with RDM issues, however I remained polite and did not fuel the fire, instead I gathered some evidence in case I continued to feel this way for a longer period of time.
    well, when it came to this situation, there was no inkling of asking for my side of the story. no "herp, why did you send that?", "are you aware that this is a serious issue?", or even just a "Herp, it looks like you ghosted, explain yourself". I know that ghosting is the numbere one offence and rule in this server, because I know the motd like the back of my hand at this point, but, after a year of playing, hundreds of hours, and no sign of me being a ghoster, there was no question at all, just an instant ban? that is not fair in any way, shape, or form.

    I spend a lot of my time on GMOD, and when i do, it is to play STTT servers, and STTT servers only. I have dedicated my time, and my money to help this server run, and to try and always make it an enjkyable experience for everyone involved. I am always helpful to players, especially new ones, because I want them to keep coming. I print every damage log because most people don't know how and sometimes people want access to them, so I lend a helping hand. I am the furthest thing from the type of person that should be banned from here for a month. STT is my home. I even wanted to consider applying for a Mod position in the spring when I get more free time because I am so passionate about this server, and now i feel that with ghosting on my record, the possibility of that happenning is absolute Zero. For me to be banned for a month from any part of my home, because of a misunderstanding that still has technical and legal (speaking in terms of STTT rules) validity, is heartbreaking. I think that my case should be reviewed, and that I should be reconsidered fairly, no that my side of the story has been offered, Since I was not granted the chance to present mine before. as far as evidence for this scenario goes: I have only a screenshot of the chat logs. i was not recording video at the time, so it is not the strongest evidence possible, however, it does portray the fact that I called out Pacifist in the chat before I died, which means that It made aware to all players that he was a T, and from there it was the expected responsibility of all players to then be aware of the information presented in the chat. it is chronologically presented, and is proof that technically speaking, I did NOT ghost. in addition to the technicality, please review as well my side of the story, and you will surely see that it was a misunderstanding. I will like for a mod other than cthulu to make the final verdict here please, as she insta-banned me without even attempting to get my side of the story, and is generally harsh to me. Thank you.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2014
  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

  3. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Appeal DENIED
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
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