Help about Research Project

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Kebab, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Kebab

    Kebab Fimbultýr VIP

    Heyo guys, I have some research project and I need to make some interview with you guys.I would be grateful if you spare some of your time to answer these questions.

    Also you can hit me up at TeamSpeak and speak about questions.

    1.How many times you completed your internship program?

    2.What is your education status right now?

    3.How many days did the internship take you to complete?

    4.What is your age?

    5.Where do you live in?

    6.In which field you took your internship.

    7.Do you think that your internship will have an influence in your future business life ?

    8.Did your academic courses affected your internship in good way or bad way?

    9.Did your age affected your internship from way of experience.

    10.What was your GPA before you completed internship and what is your GPA after completing internship ?
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
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