Approved Hans and Franz From State Farm's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Hans and Franz From State Farm, Nov 13, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Jake from State Farm
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Playing on the usual ttt west and this is the only part I can kind of peice together why I was banned. I was prop surfing, and notice a guy named Oxydeous (Local Forecast) shot a man named fox. fox was innocent, so I then shot Oxydeous (Local Forecast). Seems pretty simple right, turns out Oxydeous (Local Forecast) was inno too. So at this point i'm like, "the fuck" and think its some sick RDMer. after I die, he reports me. This makes no sence. he then calls me a stupid fuck, and an asshole. He THEN (this is the funny part) ADDMITS to killing an inno because he shot someone. At this point I dont care if I get slayed or if he does, hes just being a complete idiot. so after the round ends I get banned by DerpyKyogre64 for 8 hours, which isn't even the corecct amount of time for rdming, even though I didn't rdm. WTF please why ;_;
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Seems @DerpyKyogre64 already voided your ban and unbanned you. Leaving the verdict with him.
  3. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey there Jake! Glad to see you took the time to appeal your ban on the forums and I thank you so much for that.

    As Guilty said I have already unbanned you and voided the ban, but the reason for my ban is simply because as I tried to slay you as I arrived on West 1 right now, it gave me the "Player has disconnected" message and I then looked for you and saw your name nowhere on the list. So I went according to protocol and banned you for RDM without Staff Online which happens to be eight hours per player RDMed until the third player as after that it goes to a five day ban. It seems either there was a glitch in the system or you joined as I was doing the ban. But just to show you my evidence regardless.

    Your reasoning for killing him was faulty as he did not shoot anybody that round as I checked the full logs for it and he did not damage or shoot anybody, and as you can see below, you began to shoot him first:



    Anyways I apologize deeply for the inconvenience but your ban has now been voided and removed. Thanks so much for your patience and have an amazing day! If you have any question at all do not hesitate to ask me through a conversation on the forums!

    Appeal: Approved and Ban Voided/Thread Locked
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