Denied gwynnblade's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by gwynnblade, Aug 3, 2017.

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  1. Report or Appeal:
    Username of the reported player:
    Not a Fish
    Explain the case:
    I got banned because supposedly I was ghosting, well if you look at the evidence that was used to ban me, you are gonna see that I never used a name, or the guy who reported me also didnt know who I was talking about. I only refered to a death of someone I called "he" in my report, i was discussing why the guy who reported me rdmed me while doing so. Im confident that if you analize the evidence you are gonna see that I wasnt ghosting.​
    Related Evidence:

  2. PixeL

    PixeL Man märker andras fel och glömmer sina egna Banned VIP Silver

    @ink was the one who banned you for Ghosting. Please be patient for them to respond.

    Also moved as it was in the wrong section.
  3. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    Hey @gwynnblade . Thanks for taking your time to appeal your ban. I banned you after Scares70rm sent me a screenshot of his console with private messages from you to him revealing in-game information he was not aware of.
    This information specifically revealed information about a player's cause of death to an alive player who was not aware of it.
    According to our definition of Ghosting, this event falls under Ghosting because it revealed game-relation information to an alive player and thus potentially changed the outcome of the round.

    Would you like you like to add anything to this?
  4. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    Since no comment has been about the evidence in question, and the evidence is a clear offense of ghosting, I will be denying your appeal. Keep in mind this is your first offense and is therefore local to West 2. You may play on any of our other servers.

    If you have any questions, feel free to pm me on forums.

    Appeal: Denied
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