Approved Guinness Fox's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Guinness Fox, Sep 4, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Why you should be unbanned:
    First offense(slay x2): RDM happens. Even to the best of us, I wouldn't mind taking a slay for some ACTUAL accidental deaths I caused (which, I did cause ONE and said that's fine). That's cool. But damaging two people in crossfire and taking two slays after apologizing to them for it? That seems excessive. I've been an active member on the boards and on the servers for quite some time and this is the first time I have felt legitimately mad about a slay.

    Second offense (BAN): Now this kinda takes the pickle for me. I have played hundreds of hours on these servers. But accidentally damaging a D for 5 damage with a barrel and being banned for it? That's just ridiculous. My evidence is posted below. I honestly never wish to interact with this mod ever again on these servers. I have been a serious TTT VIP supporter for some time and I have never had an issue like this before.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    First offense: I shot two innos in crossfire and killed one inno whilst calling out a T IN CHAT and on voice. I was slain for two round for this.

    Second offense: I warned the detective and his pose 4 times via voice chat to stand clear of an explosive barrel that was in the middle of a hallway. I shot the barrel and it hit him for a whopping 5 damage at the other end of the hallway. He was plenty far from the barrel and my intent was VERY clear that I wished no harm upon any innos. I was banned for this by Osmium.​
  2. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Osmium for mass RDM (3+). Please give Osmium some time to respond with evidence and reasoning.
  3. Osmium

    Osmium Virtue VIP Silver

    Hello Guiness Fox,

    I am currently gather my evidence. Please bear with me for a while.
  4. Osmium

    Osmium Virtue VIP Silver

    Hello once again, Guiness Fox,

    You have damage two separate people, [Rainbow]master kittles and Rebel with none of them was firing at you nor anyone firing at you as well. There wasn't any crossfire involved with those two cases. I issued you two slays for damaging two separate Innocents. You had a standing of two slays given. While you were talking about another Innocent you killed that was crossfire but these people were not involved in the crossfire you were having.

    I have issued a ban on you because your intentions was to blow up a barrel. You have indeed warned the detective about your intentions. As the result, you have injured the detective which isn't crossfire and or the intention to kill a traitor. This was your third slay which resulted your ban for RDMx3. Blowing up a barrel and damaging other players is consider rdm unless you were a traitor but in this report, you were not.


    I try my best to give everyone a fair and equal opportunity. I also would like to hear from you again on what you say about my evidence and if you need more evidence. I have a video that being edited as I am typing this. It's a big file so it will take a while longer to get all the editing done and processed.

    I will be waiting for your response until I make a judgement.
  5. Osmium

    Osmium Virtue VIP Silver

    After talking a few upper-level admins, I should've been more easier.

    I mark this ban appeal as Approved.

    Appeal: Approved.
    Thread: Locked.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
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