Guilty and Fever

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Anzloe12, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    Name of Staff:Fever and Guilty-Crown
    Time of Occurence:7:20pm PST
    Reason:I was spamming in admin chat a bit and fever muted me for a round instead of doing the mute unmute first.Then I was talking to them after in admin chat not spamming at all or harassing. They didn't tell me to stop at all. One of them decided to ban me for no reason at all. I'd like some action to be taken on them.They also said that you apparently don't have to mute unmute when spamming in admin chat,and I believe that has never been in the motd or rules.
  2. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Hi Anzloe12!

    Fever and Guilty-Crown will respond at their earliest convenience with their sides of what happened so we can come to a fair decision on this report. I'll notify them and they'll be responding shortly if they aren't busy.

    If you have any screenshots or evidence of this, it will help us get a better idea of what was going on as well as help them explain why they made their decisions.

    Thanks for your patience.
  3. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    Didn't think of screenshotting, but you could tell them to screenshot everything I said.You will then be able to tell that they were in the wrong.
  4. Fever


    Hey, anzloe! I took screenshots to back this up but for some reason they never saved ;-;
    Guilty has some screenshots and I'm sure he'll be uploading them soon. So here's the breakdown so maybe an admin can add their input:

    • - anzloe gets on and IMMEDIATELY starts spamming admin chat.
    • - I tell him to stop and I give him his 1st warning.
    • - Also adds that this is an alt account that he uses for trolling and to "be prepared to ban". So I start paying close attention.
    • - He continues to spam admin chat with pointless messages so, I give the guy a chance and mute him for a round instead of just 24 hr banning him.
    • - Round goes by and he's still messaging admin chat and it's Headshot wars. I was planning to unmute after. He then goes on to tell me about how he knows the rules and come to "test" us as well.
    • - I tell Guilty "I'm going to confirm with Event" being that he's my admin.
    • - Event confirms so I ban.
    If I can get any Admins or Lead Admins input on this that'd be great. I have no problem in admitting I made a mistake if I did :)
  5. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member would have to mute unmute before muting me for a round.And after that I wasn't spamming,I was just simply talking to you guys and you didn't seem to be against it. You didn't warn me to stop at all or tell me that I was "spamming"
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello Anzloe, first of all, you were spamming the chat the moment you came on (you can see this in the first link). ... idence.png

    Second, you were calling me names and then after I told you to stop, Fever and I both have said it multiple times to stop spamming admin chat, but you kept on going. Here's the second link showing he couldn't stop spamming and even made references to another fellow player. ... ce%202.png

    I will leave it to the admins to decide what to do after that.
  7. Fever


    I did warn actually. Twice. You even said "ok I'll stop spamming now" and continued to spam. From my understanding, admin chat spam doesn't fall under the spamming rules. I really should've warned and then banned.
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I can confirm. fever asked me about this situation. If you are going on an alt account for the sole purposes of trolling and making our duties as staff harder than usual, then I believe your "troll" account should not be allowed on our servers. If it is true that this is an alternate account to troll (and we can provide sufficient evidence that it is so), then it will indeed be banned from the forums and the servers.
  9. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    After that I did stop calling you names though : P And after I was muted, I stopped spamming but did continue talking in admin chat,but wouldn't consider what I said spam,also you didn't tell me anything about stopping at all
  10. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    So where does it say in the rules that admin chat spam is different than regular spam? And idc ban me on servers and forums but not unti; this is done with.
  11. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    Yeah you warned me and then skipped the mute unmute and instead muted me for a round. After that you didnt warn me again and I stopped spamming. Tell me why I was banned please. You shouldve muted then unmuted because I admit I was spamming but I shouldnt have been banned
  12. Fever


    You were still using admin chat as a means to troll. It was considered spam to us because it was continuous. I always tell players when they're being punished and why. Several mods and admins can back me up on that.

    It doesn't. It also doesn't say that it follows either but, it is italicized and appears as a BUT statement to me. If I'm in the wrong, an Admin would tell me.
  13. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I would consider what you did as spam. Admin chat is there to be used as a means of communicating about staff duties and bringing attention to staff about related issues. You were harassing staff through admin chat which is a) a misuse of the admin chat and b) considered staff harassment. You were warned and yet you continued to spam.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

  15. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    I wasnt trolling in admin chat at all.I was just talking to you two.
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Could you please explain to me why your IP is the same as one of moderators?
  17. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    Yea but you still have to MUTE UNMUTE FIRST
    I was communicating about staff duties actually. after I was muted that is
  18. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    You weren't trolling? You were spamming in admin chat, called me a nice name that replaced the crown part of my username with a different derogatory term, and you kept on admitting to saying that you had a primary account. How is that not trolling? Please explain.
  19. Anzloe12

    Anzloe12 Member

    My cousin played on this server like 5 months ago, and he used my laptop,are you talking about nope trash?
  20. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    So you know your cousin more by his steam name than his real-life name?
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