Denied grundo1561's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by grundo1561, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. grundo1561

    grundo1561 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    First off, I realize what I did was wrong. I'm not even really expecting an unban, but I figured I'd try anyway. Anyway, I'd been playing the server for like 3 hours straight. After like 6 rounds without being a T, I finally became T. Obviously I was pretty excited to do some killing. I went into a room, when a T that was outside started firing into the room I was in at an inno (Christopher Walken). I decided to feign innocence, and closed the door to hide with him. Then, Chesses Rice comes along (apparently he had managed to get into the room somehow) and shoots me directly in the head. After some berating, he says that I had passed over an un-IDed body. That's all fine and dandy, except I hadn't. The un-IDed body had been killed AFTER I closed the door. I made a report, and waited. The mod that was online at the time never did anything. In fact, he never even looked at the report. I considered posting a report here, but there really wasn't any screenshottable evidence, and I knew that. The next round I pretty much just shot Chesses in the face. Knowing that there was no explaining this to the mod on duty, I just hit F10 and quit the game. Then I remembered the punishment for leaving after an RDM, and started smacking myself in the head. I tried to rejoin the server, but by the time I had launched the game and joined, I had been banned for 6 days.
    I realize this is pretty much the definition of RDM and leave, but if you have literally any human empathy at all, you should understand my reasoning. I realize that I shouldn't have went over the heads of the staff, but at the same time, perhaps the staff on duty should have actually given a shit.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ask Christopher Walken - he was in the room with me when I was shot (literally right across the wall from me). I have no idea why Chesses decided to shoot me and not him. Walken was really surprised when Chesses shot me, and even returned fire.​
  2. Matt_Allen

    Matt_Allen I'll miss you all VIP

    You were banned by me, I'll post my evidence soon. Just so you know, I did look at the report, but I believe I marked it in progress during a fun round. The fun round disables the ability to change report statuses. So when it was over I just marked it finished.


    Right, so here is the evidence.
    As you can see Cheeses Rice identified the body of Christopher Walken, then started shooting you, making his response to the report valid.

    There is your Revenge RDM + Leave that you admitted to.

    I am going to deny your appeal, due to your hostility that you have reflected in this appeal. Perhaps messaging me ingame to see why I didn't appear to look into your report, or why he wasn't slain would be better in the future. I am also tagging my admin @Nena to review my handling of the reports and the appeal.

    Please keep in mind that this ban is local to East 2, and you are free to play on our other servers.


    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
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