green text story

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by -spud-, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. -spud-

    -spud- Banned

    Not mine

    >Be me
    >3 years ago pet sitting for neighbors
    >They have quite a few pets 4 fish, a dog, a guinea pig, a bird
    >They have the fattest cat I have ever seen
    >The cat pretty much just naps all the time
    >Doing the rounds one night
    >Filling water bowls emptying cages etc.
    >See whale sized cat sleeping on couch
    >See some sort of cat toy with lots of bells on it
    >Wave it in front of cat
    >Nothing, the cat is still asleep
    >Go back to filling food bowls and whatever
    >About to leave when I get an idea...
    >Ties jingly cat toy to cat's tail
    >Still nothing and still sleeping
    >I hope this cat isn't dead
    >Got bored and left
    >FF to next night pet sitting
    >Open the door
    >Hear distant jingling
    >Remember what happened last night
    >See living room totally destroyed
    >No more kek
    >Fat cat is freaking out about bells still tied around it's tail
    >I have no idea how this cat is running it's so fat
    >Cat runs on couch and tries to jump out of closed window
    >Fatness of cat prevents jump height and it slams its head into the wall
    >I think it's dead
    >Take off bell and put cat in trash bag
    >Put trash bag by door
    >Trying to come up with story about how their cat died while I was pet sitting
    >Hear noise
    >Its the cat running around in the trash bag trying to escape
    >It eventually gets out and runs upstairs
    >MFW I didn't have to refill the cats food bowl or empty litter box
    • Funny Funny x 2