Denied greasygba's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by greasygba, Jun 12, 2015.

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  1. greasygba

    greasygba New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Why you should be unbanned:
    Azure warned me 2 times, but the third time I didn't know I was harassing her, Cthulhuloop. I was a detective and I had my riot shield out, while I was next to her. It may have looked like I was guarding her, but really I just wanted to use her as a shield if things made a turn for the worse. I suppose I could have been more use walking around, but I figured the other detectives had gotten dna from the fresh corpses already, and there were no traitors about. Although I was being a bit nasty, I admit, sending her pms and pushing her around, I was warned for those times and I apologized afterwards, making it clear I did not want to harass anyone.

    I was not trying to harass her by following her around. She was just going the direction I wanted to follow at the time. I don't see why I should get banned for harassment on my detective round when all I was doing was holding my riot shield near someone sitting in a corner who may or may not have been innocent. I have a right as a detective to remain safe if there's no immediate call to alarm such as a KOS or gunfire, and though I could have gone somewhere else, like I said, her place on the map just happened to be the good, close, out of the way spot I wanted to be at a few times. The only reason I got banned is because I had harassed her a few times earlier in the game, but I had been let off with a warning and I even said I was sorry, and it's not fair that I get banned for harassment when I made it clear I wasn't trying to harass anyone anymore.

    Also, I think "Toxic Gaming" is a bit far. I do my fair share of name calling and horse play, but not much more than any other player on this server. I understand I should probably be more nice, but I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun. I like to laugh, I like to be helpful, sportsman-like, I was just a little bored tonight is all.

    Azure just wants to make an example of me because of all the summer-faggotry going around lately in the form of lame sexual advances and mic spam. I get that I added to the problem and that I also made the girl feel uncomfortable, and I apologize now as I apologized to Cthulhuloop in-game, but I still don't deserve this ban. If he wanted to ban me for harassment, he should have done it right after the 2nd warning, when I was still pushing her around. Instead, he basically gave me a 3rd warning, telling me I was harassing her. Even though I stopped as soon as he told me I was harassing her, I still got banned because I just so happened to be near her in a good spot for cover. I wasn't trying to follow her, I just wanted to play the game without dying.

    That is all. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering my ban appeal.

    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    @Azure will respond when he can.
  3. greasygba

    greasygba New Member

    Thank you for letting me know.
  4. greasygba

    greasygba New Member

    Also this is my first time being banned on the 3rd offense, if that helps my case any. I've been banned before but I didn't know it happens on the 3rd offense. I thought it happens after the 2nd offense, or at random, basically. That's why I wasn't sure that I was doing something wrong, I thought I would have been banned earlier. If I would have known the rules more clearly I probably would have stopped before it got to this point but I didn't know what I was doing wrong. If I knew I could have been banned for being near her after so many warnings, 3, I would have avoided her altogether. I didn't realize standing next to someone could count as following them/harassment.

    Or maybe it's just 2 warnings? I don't know. Either way, I didn't know you had to avoid players positions on the map after a certain amount of warnings.

    And I thought the rule was 4 warnings. I was confused but I wasn't trying to provoke anyone. I figured if anything, Azure would let me know I was breaking the rules by standing next to her
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  5. Azure

    Azure Into each life some rain must fall. VIP

    I was PM'd by @Cthuluhoop (She also recorded the whole thing; @Sir Lemoncakes was also present at the times and was witness to all of this) about you and Gotya that were constantly following her and blocking her, as well as continuously sending her PMs even though you were asked multiple times to stop. I warned the two of you to stop, and after being warned, you sent her more PMs and kept following her/blocking her.

    Also, your story about ''wanting to use her as cover'' is cute, but I'm not going to believe that (It wasn't what made me ban you anyway; I wasn't even aware that you were still following her at that point.)

    What made me give you a harsher punishment was the fact that you were already given a global ban for the exact same thing less than a month ago by @TheCoCoFTW . Seems you have not learned from your ban, and your behavior is definitely not wanted on our servers.

    Appeal denied and thread closed. If you want to discuss this further, feel free to start a forum conversation.
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