Approved Goku-san's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Goku-san, Jun 13, 2020.

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  1. Goku-san

    Goku-san Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    So basically i was banned because i accidentaly killed both of my t buddies with a trap and left. One of my t buddies was a mod and got a little mad, totally understandable. But I left not by choice. I have a program on my computer which basically turns off my pc at a specific time (in this case at 6 pm helsinki timeline). The next round after i killed them my computer turned off, before i was punished for accidental t buddy rdm.​
    Evidence of Innocence:

    This is an image of the program that turns off my pc. I have blocked time from 6pm to 8am helsinki time. Of course i have no proof that it actually turns off at 6 pm, but just please take my word for it.​
  2. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    @Carl please be patient for their response.
  3. Goku-san

    Goku-san Member

    Forgot to add something. YES on the program it doesnt show when is the blocked time. It only shows it when theres 30 minutes or less left before blocked time.
  4. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    Hi, I banned you for RDM and Leave (1st Offense). This is because of this report
    I've had parental controls personally and it sucks ass to have it. Since this hits close to home I'll be adding a slay to your steam id and removing the ban but not voiding it, so if this happens again you'll be banned for RDM and Leave (2nd Offense).
    Not voided
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