Approved giantsfan946's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by giantsfan946, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I didn't rdm 3 people but I was rdmd by 3 people instead. Moderator who banned me was Elvis. I don't really care about the ban for mass rdm but I just wanted the community and staff to be aware.
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    @Elvis @Zyp
    I was there but, I think I joined late.
  3. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    I have seen this and will respond in a few minutes. Please allow me time to gather my evidence.
  4. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

  5. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal. Lets get right into it shall we?

    You were reported on round 4 for RDM, which was a valid slay. The only problem is that i forgot to SS that one report as i had a couple mic spammers to deal with and it distracted me from that. You can see in this SS, you were reported as shown here:

    As you can see, above the report that is highlighted, you were reported for RDM.

    The second time you were reported was the next map and that was by me for unreported damage as shown here:


    The third report which led to your ban was also by a player that you kosed the map before as shown here:


    Now bc of me not having enough evidence for the entire Mass RDM ban, i will be unbanning you and voiding your ban. Have a nice evening.

    Appeal: Accepted/voided
    Thread: Locked[/QUOTE]
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