By any chance, out of curiosity, would fun rounds be able to be chosen by players? I don't know if that makes sense, but like would the players be able to vote a gamemode when the fun round is about to be on?
If this is a Q&A then the answer is no because they can't do it. If it's a suggestion adn you want this to be possible then you have my +1
It has been suggested before, but we feel like the same fun rounds would be picked, much like the current map situation To answer your question, currently no, players can't choose the fun rounds
This should be under the "Suggestions" section. I'd +1 it, though it'd be a bit tricky to do since the type of round is chosen in the Preparing stage of the match.
I think it would work if there was essentially a "lotto" of fun round picks. Each player picks 1 funround and out of all the picks, one is chosen at random. This would mean from time to time players who like less popular fun round can get their chance too but most fun rounds that are played are liked by a lot of the people in the server. (As a fun round thats picked by many players has higher % to be chosen by lotto)
I'd be ok for voting for fun rounds if a few things were met: 1) It can only be voted for once every 3 maps 2) The fun round actually played is still random (to keep it so the same fun rounds aren't played too much) 3) Decrease the chance of a fun round occurring (as you are pretty much guaranteed a fun round every 3 maps if all the players agree)
Huge problem with implementation-wise could the tendency for newer players to get confused and RDM the round before thinking it's a fun round; This would be due to the fact the vote would need to happen at least a round in advance, preferably during a preparation period so it's non obtrusive during gameplay.
Wouldnt it be possible to just extend end round time during the vote, so it doesnt have to happen 1 round in advance? Like when fun round voting starts in the end round of previous normal round, 15-30 second extension. I think its more ment as players pick the fun round when its triggered rather than players pick when fun round is triggered. No need for messing when fun round is triggered.
Could a standalone server be created for a rotation of the fun rounds (A lot of work)? or a TTT server that has more fun round implemented?
Or, ya know, implement it into either of these threads?
If they vote for the same ones all the time then you know which fun rounds suck and aren't actually fun (men in the middle ) + o n e
Instead of voting in pre round or the like, why not add an option to the f3 menu for fun round voting? You can select a fun round that you'd like to play, and whenever the "voted for" fun round comes along, it'll use all of the selected values for all players currently in the server and randomly select one. It could come defaulted on a randomly selected fun round, or as unselected and that player won't have a vote until they go in and select one. Not sure if this makes much sense, but then it'll add voting without actually affecting the round timers and removing the risk of any confusion from newer players.
Only issues I have with this idea is that it'll turn into something similar to map voting. The same most popular gamemode will be voted for over, and over again with no penalty or cooldown.. -1