Answered fucking traitors man

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by john redcorn, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    alright buckle up

    we've established in a previous qna that it is deemed rdm to consent kill a traitor buddy to prove yourself to some hooligans to deceive them and infiltrate their minds with happy thoughts of innocenthood.

    this established, would it be against the rulebook to consent kos a traitor buddy, intentionally die in a fire fight with some innocents to hopefully prove the homie after the innocents do the math of "well he kosed this guy, so he must be proven!".

    What would happen if they ignore the fact he was a traitor and kill him because lol can't read? Would it be a slay?

    What would happen if the innocents try to big brain through the ruse and kill him because of the kos? If they were wrong and he was innocent, that could be seen as toxic gameplay since they understood a traitor said it. But at the same time, you really can't trust what a traitor says since you know, they lie.

    If you are intentionally kosed by a traitor are you always proven as far as deduction goes?
  2. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    It would be RDM if they got killed because of your KOS. Fullstop. The rules don't specify what being proven is. Technically traitorous acts still apply, and so do koses, when the person is deemed proven. It would just be a little toxic to kill that person, as they would have a high likelihood that the person being killed is innocent and they would just be using the KOS as a reason to kill.

    So yeah, for the caller of the KOS: RDM if the person gets killed by the KOS, never toxic.
    For the killer: Never RDM if the person was KOSed, Sometimes toxic, but difficult to prove.
  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I took a few screenshots of the traitor rules and extended kos clarifications above. The most important clause out of the whole damn thing for this is: ". Responsibility of the damage done to a KOS'd player is on the player who called the KOS"

    You could argue that randomly calling a kos on one to get them proven and then accidentally having it acted upon is RDM which i agree with however...

    If the traitor buddy shot towards me or committed any number of traitorous acts and I said consentually "X is a traitor since he did X" for one of those traitorous acts with the intention to both get him proven and give actual basis to the KOS, depending on the extent of the milage one can argue to get out of the "kos damage liability comes back to you". In this example, I'm not telling the innocents to kill my traitor buddy, I'm telling them he is a traitor since he did in fact do a traitorous act, and then dying to trick the sheeple that in fact they were outsmarted.

    -merged because m a sucker for nice clean Q&A's-

    Also a quick point I forgot; traditionally the koser is only held liable for the kos if it’s false. If there was a valid reason for it (such as a traitorous act), it wouldn’t go back
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2020
  4. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Is it technically against the rules to consent KOS a Traitor Buddy? I would say so, though done with the intention of fooling the innocent players, it comes down to you generally not supposed to be selling out each other.

    This question sends a bit of mixed signals. It assumes the players ignore the fact that a traitor while implying they could not (did not) read that he was a Traitor. We don't slay people when they genuinely don't realize the KOS they followed was called by a Traitor. If they purposefully followed the KOS knowing a Traitor called it, it would toxic gameplay/slayable.

    Again, this would err on the side of toxicity, if they knowing follow a traitor's KOS on the possibility of it being a ruse.

    I'm going to say no. Would I consider someone proven if a Traitor KOSed them? Yeah, I would. But proven means different things to different people. We don't enforce a standard regarding it.

    Closing thoughts from me; we don't do unreported damage. If you and your T buddy consent to this method, you won't have an issue against you if neither of you reports the other.

    I hope this answers your questions, I had to read your post a good few times. Feel free to comment again if I missed something, or message me.