Approved Fuckerinos's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Fuckerinos, Jul 8, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Back here again cause I fucked up :). 3rd time ive left with a slay/report on cause I tab out any time I die and sometimes get called to do stuff and have to close the game. There really isnt any reason by the rules that I should be unbanned so at this point im just gonna be begging. I always own up to my slays and this servers one of the main things ive been playing during all of this. Hopefully an active vanilla mods handles this report so they can testify.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Like I said im just begging at this point. I know rules are rules but I really didnt mean to leave with the report on. Ill take 3 or 4 slays gladly over being banned for 14 days.​
  2. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    You were banned by @degolfer222 for rdm and leave 2nd, they will reply when they can
  3. degolfer222

    degolfer222 I finally changed my title VIP

    Alright. so I banned you for RDM and leave second.
    First, the report:
    [​IMG] Appeal.mp4?dl=0

    Here is the deathscene from the kill. Now, the reason I slayed you for this was that while yes, Bruno was the only person behind you, the kill itself happened right in front of the doorway to a side room. And from the video, you can see there was about 2 seconds between the time the shot occurred and the time you turned around, which is plenty of time that the door could have closed itself. That means the shot could have potentially came from inside the room, making your kill a kill on suspicion.

    And here is message showing you leave the server:

    Now, with all that out of the way, onto the appeal itself. I do see you on often enough, and I really dont recall you causing many problems, or getting slain too often, so I am willing to unban you. The ban however will not be voided, so the next time you RDM and leave it will be 3rd offense, meaning a much harsher punishment, and much less likely to be appealed successfully. So I recommend you try to be more careful in the future when you have reports on you.

    Also, for future reference, your Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:149490383

    Appeal: Accepted
    Ban: Not voided
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