Denied Frk's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Frk, Mar 29, 2017.

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  1. Frk

    Frk Supporter

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for "pushing" 3 ppl into a pool by accident, 1 of them died and i got two of them out of the pool before they died, so yes i only rdmed one person, next round i accidentally knocked someone into that same pool cus i was trying to get across it and i was killed for it and then i was banned for "mass" rdm. Senpai could you kinda fucking explain how I have murdered 2 not but 4+ people. I am actually pretty pissed that this is happening right now, senpai muted me for calling wraith a faggot when he was talking shit to me in the first place like bro how are u gonna mute me when he started talking shit to me first. This kid just hates me.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I dont have much evidence but Sabbathfool,Largo,
    AND RYAN4win witnessed the whole thing.​
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  2. Azaelus

    Azaelus I want to break free VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned by @Senpai Reich for Mass RDM (4+). Please be patient until he responds.
  3. Senpai Reich


    Greetings Knox,

    I've banned you for Mass RDM (4+).
    First off, I would like to say that RDM offenses accumulate over time. Just because you happen to RDM in one round, does not mean that it would be disregarded for your respective punishment if you RDM on a separate round.

    Let's start with your first offense of RDM.

    Although the extended rules state that kills caused by a Death Station are always credited to the Traitor who placed it down, this is blatant loopholing. You were my traitor buddy that round, and you knew very well that it was a Death Station that would blow up if shot. I fail to see any other reason to blow it up whilst I was using it other than the clear intention to kill me. Hence, this counts as your first offense of RDM.

    Now, let's get into the pool incident, where you RDM three more people by pushing them in water.

    Clearly, you did not accidentally push three people in the pool. You made the effort to drown all three three players by shoving them with a bin prop.
    You also claim that two got out the pool before they died, but here are the logs to refute that statement.


    We can also see that the detective killed you at 00:23 shown here.


    You may also argue that I do not have proof of them dying due to drowning. Let's do some quick math.

    The deathscene is around 10 seconds long, so the start of the video is at 00:13 seconds.
    4 seconds into the deathscene, Tarmorman dips into the pool. We can say it happened at 00:17.
    It will take around 15 seconds to drown a healthy person (tested this recently).
    We can see in the logs that Tarmorman died at 00:32. Since 17+15=32, it's safe to say that his death was due to your intent to drown him.
    6 seconds into the deathscene, dips into the pool, which then would happen at 00:19.
    19+15=34, and sure enough, did die at 00:34.
    9 seconds into the deathscene, .shirt✿ slides into the pool, which should happen at 00:22.
    22+15=37, and well, .shirt✿ did die at 00:37.

    tl;dr The time you pushed them matches up with the time they would die due to drowning.

    Considering all and above, it is clear that you wanted the three victims to drown, and with all the math, I can safely say that they did. With their drowning paired up with my explosive event, you have a total RDM count of 4, as you have already received the proper punishment. With your negative history, your recent behavior, and your attempt to be dishonest about what happened today, I see no reason to do anything else but to DENY this appeal.

    If you have any more questions/concerns, you can start a conversation with me. Otherwise, I believe this case is closed.
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