Foster Children

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Serious Lawyerbot, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    This is not a nice post.
    This is a post where i explain all the foster children i have ever met.
    I will NOT be posting ages of the children except for a select few.
    Assume ages below 8.
    The first ones i ever had were kids named gabe and rowen. They had behavioral issues. Gabe was bipolar. Rowen wanted be treated like a baby. It lasted a week with another kid named Blake. Blake was someone we watched time to time along with Gabe and Rowen. I loved blake. He was the sweetest kid despite his issues. Major behavioral issues but he was incredibly sweet once he learned how to be good. We kept him for only a couple of weeks when he finally got sent to a forever home. He regressed at times but he really was a child i miss. We get other kids like Autumn and Ariana. Autumn was sweet but she has jealousy issues. And she rebelled by self inflicted feces of pants. Not pretty. Ariana has a major eating disorder. She eats but doesnt realize when she is full. Very sad but we had those couple a few times over. Ariana i have seen recently and she really is doing a lot better than before. So much i didn't recognize her. One child named Alejandro came in. He only spoke spanish but he was a child that came from a truly loving family. It was saddening to see him come in. A gifted child i do miss but not as much as blake :( . Then came kyle. oooooooh kyle. Ages 5. I still shudder from thinking of him. He was the most horrific child i have ever seen. Barely lasted a week. Barely. He is the one kid that made blake football tackle him screaming. He is heavy, eats more than 2 teenagers PER meal. Not obese. Not overweight. He does a blood curdling, hair raising, soul tearing scream for over 25 minutes on end. I had to leave the neighbor for 10 minutes just to come back to him screaming still without breathe. He is the only child i locked my door at night and shoved everything in the way each night. He tried to choke one of the kids in the office itself. He is a psychopath. A child psychopath. He is unable to be fixed. Drugs would never fix that child. No amount of zombification could work. I want him in a mental institute. If we had him for any longer i would have killed him. Flat out killed him. If I didnt I would have been killed. My own mother feared for her life because of this child. SCARED of the child. And shes the woman who chased 3 teenagers like a beast, made druggies call her the witch from hell. Enough on her though. The next child we had was Kaidyn. He was only 4 but he had the whine of a little bitch. A face of a lizard. With both kids i knew something was wrong just by their eyes. The signs. I show them rarely. Only when i am stressed out heavily. Kaidyn i never want to meet again. Institute him otherwise hes gonna kill. My thoughts. Only because he was younger was he more tolerable. He cannot change. Demon child. Not fear for my life levels but knowing he is gonna be horrific and there is no way of stopping it. The most recent foster kids i have are Cash and Hal. Twins. We kept them for 5 months now. 5 months. We wont be keeping them forever. But hopefully they find a good home with their sisters. They came from horrible conditions. Living in feces. Lice. Eating hot dogs cold. Cash was dominant. They switch positions. They don't act like twins. Rarely if ever. They don't look alike. Ones a midget compared to the other. When they first came they barely talked. They have improved a lot though. They have progressed and regressed. They miss their sisters but not their parents. Their parents treat them like entitlements. Like they are entitled to cash and hal. 4 years of GIVE US BACK OUR BABIES. None of the twins have went to school. Their sisters are above ages 10. Then comes anthony. He definitely has ADHD but we are not sure what else. Im thinking Schizophrenia right now but he has an intense aggression that reminds me of kyle. Not quite there. But yesterday at the daycare he nearly made the case aid quit. Smashing all the kids faces in, running around naked, headbutting the case aids neck so hard it popped. Just think about it. A now 3 year old kid. Doing that. he walks only on his toes because chances are he was stuck in a chair in his poop and everything. I believe his feet were twisted on purpose. He has a lot of incidents of aggression but what he did was give cash cuts all around the left of his face. Hal cuts and bruises. Nothing phases that child. he would have episodes where he just screams constantly without end. Nothing stops it. He would close his eyes and scream. Kick. And scream. Constant. Not ending. This is horrible because one time at the childrens museum he did that. And this one lady was just staring at me like i was having hope on a hopeless child. Its one of those times where i wanted to throw myself at someone in pure hatred of judging me over that! Why do they stand there? Why do they just sit there with that look? Why do they have to mock me like that? The lack of courtesy was intense. Then to be told by another NO DO THIS! Then please bitch. TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CHILD SINCE YOU KNOW SO MUCH! No? Fuck you then go away. This happened another time in the food bank where we just wanted the clothes there. Anthony was having his episode. I was putting him on the ground. And the woman yelled YOU BETTER GET HIM TO QUIT OR GET HIM OUTSIDE!
    If i were not so stunned i would have thrown myself at that woman. Seriously thrown myself. Jump over that table and smash apples in her face. Comical image that be you sadistic people. Monday anthony will be going to a neurologist and if nothing gets done the towel will be thrown. Either i do something incredibly stupid or he gets sent back. Because they (The foster care agency with their BROKEN ASS SYSTEM!) wouldn't want to help him...
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014