Denied FluffyButtcheeks's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by FluffyButtcheeks, May 12, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I did nothing -.- Seth had been acting salty when me an la vie started singing but in chat told me to knock it off but not la vie ignoring this i didn't care until he started telling me (and only me) to knock it off when making harmless yet blatantly fictitious statements while letting others do the same and say in chat "seth is dumb" Yet after he kicked me for "Harassment & Disrespect" He then banned me for telling him to not be so grumpy an cheer up. Seems like abuse of power, However it was implied that seth was having a bad day/night/whatever time because it was repeatedly stated that "I'm being as nice as i can to you right now but you are pushing your luck" I'm confused as to why i was the only one punished by this clear case of the blues an why it even became an issue of harassment or disrespect when i kept saying ily an that i have never met you. But if staff kicked/banned people for making clearly joking (no way could it have been interpreted as not joke) comments then youd be banning people all the time just for saying things that were in no way disrespectful or harassing. Idk why seth was having a bad night but he shouldnt take it out on players an through out bans an kicks, and if he does it should be to all involved not just select people he feel deserves it
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Chat logs
    Thats about it. You can read all our messages at time [11pm central-11:40pm central]​
  2. Seth Harle

    Seth Harle Solace VIP

    A run down of what happened.

    I told you to stop mic spamming during a round when you were constantly singing and saying redundant stuff. It was plain annoying so I warned you for it.

    A few minutes later, you started harassing me over voice chat for no apparent reason. I had done nothing to you whatsoever other then telling you stop mic spamming. I gave you another warning for that.

    You then proceeded to push your luck and said some things to me which could be treated as "harassment" or "disrespect". I kicked you for that because you obviously didn't take that warning to the heart and actually cared about it.

    I even explained to you were doing wrong but you decided to push your luck. You came back and I told you I wasn't in the mood and you stopped... for a while.

    A few minutes later after the kick happens, you tried once again to be "funny". I have no idea if that was an unintentional act and it intended no harm but I honestly don't care. You were banned shortly after that.


    Disrespect/Harassment through private messages.

    Kick (2nd Offence)

    Multiple Warnings

    Repeated offence after being warned and kicked.

    Ban 24h (3rd Offence)


    The ban will stay as you clearly tried to push your luck and intended for this to happen. You need time to sit down and think before you do something stupid. I'm not interested in approving this appeal neither reducing or voiding it.

    Might want to give his feedback.

    Other than that,
    Denied and Locked
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  3. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Pretty surprised Seth was this lenient, normally he goes for the jugular from the get-go.

    At no point did my moderator break the standard protocol for mic spam/harassment, other than to give you more warnings than is normally required from staff before kick/ban. Honestly, you pushed it way past the point of no return. It is pretty clear in the demo that there was a significant amount of personal harassment on your part, and whether you thought it was jokes or funny or whatever is irrelevant. If a moderator tells you to stop harassing them, you should probably stop harassing them, or you'll just keep getting banned. For longer and longer periods.

    I really don't see the point of making an appeal when the evidence is so clearly stacked against you. But okay.

    Denied. Again.
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