Denied [FG] Boomstick Strongtie's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by [FG] Boomstick Strongtie, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    [FG] Boomstick Strongtie
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I have no idea why I was banned
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was not on server when ban happened​
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned by @Sir Lemoncakes for RDM and Leave Extended

    [FG] Boomstick StrongtieSTEAM_0:1:63005873RDM & Leave, extended for ban record.05/09/14 01:39PMGlobalSir Lemoncakes

    He will respond at his earliest convenience
  3. I am so confused. Maybe I was framed? I dont recall RDMing and leaving...
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Well you have a previous ban for Mass RDM with no staff online.

    It's impossible for you to be framed because we use STEAM ID's.

    [FG] Boomstick StrongtieSTEAM_0:1:63005873Mass RDM with no staff on04/14/14 12:08PMWest 2urisk2

    Was you other ban.
  5. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    This was your third RDM & Leave. Appeal denied.
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