False slay report.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Carson, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Carson

    Carson Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Un-named staff member.

    Server: East

    Time of Occurrence: 7:50PM (-4GMT)

    Reason For Report: Slayed me for something I believe to be unjustified.

    Evidence: The person that I killed had T baited 1-2 minutes after I killed them. I marked them as kill in the tab menu as soon as they t baited then I watched them to get further evidence if they were a T (you never know with T baiters), and to kill them in a less populated area so I was not killed because I killed an innocent. After 1-2 minutes I THOUGHT* he killed an innocent. I don't mean the reason I killed him was that I thought he killed someone. The reason I killed him is because he t baited earlier, and this fortified that he was infact a traitor and I could kill him. I can see how the situation where you kill someone for t baiting 1-2 minutes after they t bait could be a gray area when determining if it was RDM or not, but with my reasoning I hope that this clears everything up to why I feel the kill was not RDM.

    Also, I would like to mention that this is in no way the fault of the staff member. He slayed me because I just gave the reasoning "T baited" when I should have went into further information.
  2. The staff member is me. I had a discussion with other staff a week ago or so about this and got the answer "You cant see someone t bait, then follow them for 2 minutes without them doing anything traitorous then suddenly decide to kill then for a traitorous act they did 2 minutes ago.
    I would like the admins opinion, and if called for I will note a false slay on your record.
  3. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    That's what I told him. If you see someone T-bait, and follow them around for a few minutes, and they don't do a thing, is it RDM?
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    It is my stance on the issue that you can kill someone for doing a traitorous act any time after they commit it. However, with T-baiting, it is neigh-impossible to prove that even with logs. So I would say if someone T baits, you either kill them on sight or leave it be. You could additionally call out a KOS for T-baiting and have someone else deal with said person while you track him down.
  5. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    I've killed people 2 + minutes later for doing traitorous acts before, most of the time I mark them as kill and wait till a good opportunity.

    I believe there are no expiry times for traitorous acts, wouldn't make sense if there is.

    I've seen people kill someone with a scoped weapon, obviously I don't have a good shot yet, so I mark them as kill and run around to catch them, sometimes it takes 1 - 2 + minutes to find them.

    I believe there shouldn't have been a slay.
  6. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I know I shouldn't post in topics here unless I was somehow involved, but I wanted to put my 2 cents in on this.

    @Carson, did you have undeniable proof that the person had killed an innocent? The T-baiting aside, killing someone you thought killed an innocent is killing on suspicion which is not allowed on this server and is considered rdm. The way the logs are, they don't really tell the whole story and won't show things such as what weapons people are holding when, or if they activate any traps. Unless they actually do damage to you, T-Baiting won't show up in the logs. People can die in any number of ways and a common ploy by frequent players on this server is to kill someone in the middle of a group to try and get at least one of the other people there to open fire on the others and make less work for them.
  7. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    shadowdragoon66- Please do not comment on staff/player reports unless you are directly involved with the situation. I understand that you may have wanted to add your two cents but it simply clutters reports. The appropriate staff will handle the situation, thank you.
  8. If angel believes no slay should have been issued, then I shall note 1 false slay
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I agree with Angel. If someone did something traitorous, then they can be killed. It doesn't matter if it's 2 minutes later or 10 minutes later. Just a word of the wise, be careful when it comes to someone T baiting and you wait to kill them; it could appear as RDM in the reports. Also, I just want everyone to know that the only thing we have defined as traitor baiting is shooting in the direction of other players. If the guy was shooting at you, then I would have shot him dead, right there.
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