Rejected False report = Slay

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Field_Sweeper, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. I think that to combat the EXTREME amount of reports on a player, if it is deemed that you were wrong and that you reported JUST because, then YOU should be slain instead. it is annoying to get reported for SEEING someone throw a tear gas can, and getting affected then killing or KOS ing them and then having them report you. the reporting thing is out of

    Or at least make it so if you are a traitor and in close proximity to an inno, and you use or have out a traitor weapon, or burn a body etc that the report menu doesnt even show up.
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I don't see why you made a thread about this, false reports have a punishment

    starts with a warning
    then a slay
    but the report was legit.

    Also you didn't see him throw the grenade, the logs show when grenades are thrown and he didn't.
  3. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Sometimes the other person doesn't always know exactly why they were killed. In the situation you described, the other person may have believed no one saw them; there's no way for him to see through your eyes. Reports are somewhat secondarily used for clarification as well. Most people would rather report and get the full story because they think they were RDM'd than give the other player the benefit of the doubt.

    I don't consider any reports "false" unless the player is deliberately making reports to waste time and abusing the report system to constantly joke around. A lot of the time the person reporting just wants clarification because they aren't sure what happened or from their view, it looked like RDM.

  4. I saw a person throw a nade, then I was blurred, the same person i was looking at seeing that I clicked the bind for traitor, his name was what showed up./ thats what i went off of. even if he was infront of a guy that threw the nade, he would have seen it and should have (if inno) called him out, the nade looked like it came from him

    in the response to yours, i never even knew you had the triple harpoon, didnt even know three went out, I saw you with one in your hand and throw it, so I killed you. there is no need to report when you use a traitor weapon with a dozen people around lol. even if you got it from a traitor and you are inno, having it out period, is KOS able.
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I dont care about mine but heres the logs of your incident


    Not the guy you KOS'd
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    We already have punishments for continued false reports, but in your case the report was legitimate. As far as intentional blatant false reports we have protocols to follow for that punishment.

    Keep in mind that there are times when the reporting person actually believes they were RDM'd and want a reason to why they were killed and that would not be a false report.

    I'm going to lock this as we already have protocols in place for blatant false reporting. As far as your case goes, just know that it was a legitimate RDM report if they were not the person acting traitorous.
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