Denied Erin Hannon's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Erin Hannon, Aug 17, 2016.

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  1. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Erin Hannon
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Ok well, first of all, i would like to say that i think the ban was unfair and the punishment for TylerJoseph(Henry) a VIP and The Coffee Smeagol, again a VIP was very unfair.

    Now first it all started with a bit of witty banter from me and a friend. Me and my friend did call a false KOS on Smeagol (as a joke) miku also did it as well, but smeagol didn't mind as she or it wasn't bantering with him. We did call him a faggot, (there is no where in the rules that says no racism or swear words) now i'm 100% sure that literally everyone calls each other faggots, i even am a faggot and called/s my bf a faggot.

    Ok now, we are bantering with smeagol again and he start's rdm'ing us (the map before the mod came on). I remember him rdm'ing me every round, about 4 times maybe. Now i'm going to be honest here, because im not to fussed about my ban, i'm just angry about the other guys punishment. Before i get to what i did, Tyler who obviously (dont deny it) has relations with smeagol came onto the server and rdm'd me i think twice (he also left the server after i was banned, and so did smeagol). Right, so we changed map and i wasn't too happy , so I revenge RDM'd Smeagol twice, knowing it is not allowed on the server. This is when Guily joins and accuses us for what we have done. He checks the logs (i'm guessing) and slays me, and my friend 3 times in a row, while smegol and tyler get one slay, even though they did it a whole lot more.

    So we get to the next map, and i'm trying to explain to guilty what he problem is, now i have already been muted for saying the word faggot, yet i say it again, but i do not direct it to anyone, i was using it to explain a problem. Yet guilty just would not listen and banned me for 14 days for saying faggot again, and telling me i was toxic for trying to explain the whole incident.

    I also don't understand how smegol said faggot in the chat but the mod turned a blind eye to it.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I do not have any evidence, but i have people who can back up my claims. Though i forgot their names as i'm not friends with them.

    So their names are

    Harambe's Ghost
    Phoenix Nelson

    Now i don't want these people involved, but Harambe was also falsely slayed as well.​
  2. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    Font on this is horrible
  3. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    You were banned for Toxic Behavior by @Guilty. Please be patient as he will respond with his evidence when he is able.
  4. -tyler

    -tyler My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case. VIP Bronze

    I was on this when this happened (I am tylerjoseph(henry)) Now what happened in complete full is I got on, and the first words I hear is "faggot" and it is directed towards coffeee, I was defending coffee and telling you guys off, now the round right after you kos coffee at the beginning of the round.
    Which is false kosing, so I was able to actually kos you. What I did was completely fair, you were completely toxic, and rude to me and coffee, I did revenge rdm you once and I took the slay. But all the other times I killed you, you kosed coffee falsley. You were in general just being a dick to us, using homophobic slurs, mostly homophobic slurs, trying to turn the server on us, now I don't know what you have with coffee, and why you were being mean to him.
    But it's not okay to actually call him a faggot every round and try to turn about 20 people on him, that's just plain rude, I believe you deserved your ban completely. You were toxic and just overall trying to be a dick on purpose I will tag @Guilty so he can actually give a verdict and I will tag @The Coffee Smeagol so he can add to our side of the story.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  5. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    You see, you were part of the problem, i was part of the group who were false KOS'ing, the reason behind that was because of the last map he was RDM'ing us, you made the problem much worse. You shouldn't just jump to conclusion, that coffee had nothing to do with it, well done.

    Also, as i said, how could i be homophobic if i am a faggot? It was obviously a joke and, no i was banned for saying faggot, not for hurting poor old coffee's feeling when he could've just muted us like he said he did.
  6. -tyler

    -tyler My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case. VIP Bronze

    Guilty can check the logs if we was actually mass rdming you he would of dealt with it, I did not jump to conclusion, what you did is call people a "faggot" which is breaking one rule, false kosing every round as an innocent which is breaking another rule, and attempted mass rdm, everytime you false kosed someone at the beginning of the round I kosed you because that's called tbaiting. Your toxicity level was over the roof you were being a dick on purpose.
    On another note the problem isn't that you're gay, I'm completely fine with that. The problem is that you kept saying a homophobic slur, just because you are gay doesn't mean the mods/admins can let you say a homophobic slur, it's banned for everyone, and I realize that you were not trying to be homophobic, but after being warned multiple times to stop, you kept doing it, and you always targeted it to someone, which is called harassment, and also called being toxic. You were also arguing with guilty, when he made it pretty clear that what you did was not allowed, I believe what you did is completely enough to warrant a ban, and I believe you shouldn't be unbanned but this is all up to @Guilty
  7. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    You're toxic,
    You're a Dick

    (Now your turn)

    Try coming up with an argument. Also please point out the rule where it says you're not allowed to use the word faggot

    Also looks at


    • 1st time - Warning
    • 2nd time - Kick
    • 3rd time - Ban 24 hours
    • 4th time - Ban 5 days

    But for me it was

    *1st time - Warning
    *2nd times - 14 Day ban
  8. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    Like to add as well - if i deserve the 14 day ban you deserve a ban too
  9. -tyler

    -tyler My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case. VIP Bronze

    You were being a flat out dick there is no nice way to put it.

    The word harassment defines as
    1. aggressive pressure or intimidation.
      "they face daily harassment by the police"
      synonyms: persecution, intimidation, pressure, force, coercion;
      "the report cites three separate accusations of harassment"
    You were being aggressive and trying to intimidate us by turning the whole server on us, when you were being aggressive is the parts when you called us a "faggot" multiple multiple times, dozens of times, probably every 5 miutes. This is called harassment, and also you were gagged and muted multiple times, Guilty was being lenient with you, and you just put it right in his face and continuted to constantly argue with him, and harass us.

    No because the only thing I did was revenge rdm once, once. I took the slay for it, and I did not leave. Which doesn't result in a ban, you may have not been kicked but you were gagged at least twice and muted at least twice, and guilty had logs of you rdming us,
    he also has logs of you calling us faggots through false reports, so it was up to his discretion on how long to ban, you should really read the rules and know what harassment is before actually going on a server and harassing people, and then complaining that you got banned. I won't respond again unless I have absolutley more to say and I will leave @Guilty to the decision.
  10. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    You have the worst fucking comprehension skills ever. It's making me cringe having to spell out every single little thing i say, you can figure this out on your own. I'm waiting to talk to someone who uses the dictionary to pursue an insult
  11. -tyler

    -tyler My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case. VIP Bronze

    I know I said I won't respond but I am

    When the fuck did I say I was going to insult you? Insulting people as a way to defend yourself isn't really that good of a method, and doesn't help my side, I posted the harassment definition so it can be exact, I know the basis of harassment, but the whole definition helps out.

    Plain and simple, you harassed players, you rdmed players and submitted false reports which is not allowed, you argued with a very high up staff member, and you were punished. The punishment you got would happen to anyone else in the same situation on any time of the server. It's not my fault that you were so ignorant of the rules. You should have read them, it's all your fault no one to blame but your self. If this appeal does get denied I would prefer it if you actually looked back at would you did, and hopefully feel somewhat sorry.
  12. Erin Hannon

    Erin Hannon New Member

    FUcking fuck fuck fuck fuck. I honestly said to myself - he really can not reply to me again with another stupid comment, and you did. I have no fucking idea how, but you did. It is really doing my head in. This is the worst argument i have ever been in, the fact you are putting so much effort into makes me want to tie a shirt around my neck and keep pulling it so i die a painful death, so i'm not so stressed out about your well-being. Now don't you dare fucking go onto saying this isn't an argument blah blah blah, it's best you stay out of this unless your called in to say another idiotic comment, now you can reply again and leave all smug thinking you are the smartest little cunt in the world, but you aren't.
  13. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'll handle this later after I'm finished with work at 2PM PST. Appeal will be locked until then.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @Erin Hannon

    Now let's discuss why you were banned for the proper length. You were banned for exhibiting and promoting toxic gameplay. How so? Well the first part goes to when you're going around and calling other players (in particular, Coffee Smeagol and Tyler) "faggots"; Something that you chose to admit to in your own ban appeal. Now where in the rules does it state that you can't use homophobic slurs? Well we can all go into the Extended Rules and see where it's not allowed. This falls straight under harassment, which is stated as such from the Extended Rules.

    If we dig a bit further into the meaning, let's go further into the definition of it with this:


    Now notice the legal definition of this term and then compare it to your behavior on the servers, where you were seen calling players faggots and exhibiting toxic gameplay with a few other players. Just because you consider yourself a "faggot" based on your argument doesn't entitle you to create an uncomfortable environment for others nor does it mean you can act however you wish. As for the images behind how you played, let's talk about it bit by bit.

    1) Revenge RDM. This seems to be a common trend with you as far as how you acted. Admitting to me in admin chat that you chose to intentionally RDM coffee smeagol several times throughout the map duration on Minecraft Motel. At one point, you even confessed to committing revenge RDM just because you felt like you were getting RDMed more than once. Considering that you chose to admit to it in admin chat earlier, I'll let the rest of the images I'm about to post speak for itself.
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    As far as the RDM on @Exactly goes, he didn't throw a discombobulator during the round at all when you killed him so that was also another count of RDM on you.
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Considering your situation, I chose to give you 3 slays instead of immediately banning you through the use of my discretion. Which also brings me to my next point.

    2) Toxicity through homophobic slurs.
    While I don't have much shown in my recording of you using the term "faggot", you already acknowledged the use of the terminology. As soon as I joined the server and throughout the time I've seen you on the server, you were using the term more than once. Just as I join the server, I hear you immediately use the term along with @The Killing Joke . Of course, as shown by my screenshots, neither of you got off the hook with that.


    As soon as we move on to Minecraft city, you once again, chose to use that kind of term again and once again, you were gagged. I should have kicked you under protocol, but again, I chose to be lenient and let you stay on the server with that gag.


    The final straw comes from your consistently toxic attitude that you shared with your friends mentioned (with the exception of @Phoenix Nelson ) and creating an uncomfortable environment for our players. As a result, I chose to ban you for those 2 weeks through the use of my discretion as an administrator. Read the highlighted portion of the image I'm about to add here. This is taken directly from our MOTD. The meaning behind "an admin's discretion" means we can bypass protocol and alter the length/duration of punishments as we see fit. This is where I chose to enact my discretion due to your blatant toxicity you have displayed on both our servers and even on our forums as seen in your appeal through your interactions with @The Killing Joke .


    Considering your attitude displayed prominently here, I will not be accepting your appeal and will ask that you serve your ban to the end. This appeal is denied. Toxicity is something that is never tolerated here. Keep that in mind while you wait these 2 weeks out. While your ban is local, any more toxicity that comes out of your actions will result in more severe punishments in the future.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
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