Approved Enderspine's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Enderspine, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for RDM and leave, which I do not recall doing.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I am responsible player on public servers. Aside from a few slays due to misunderstandings, (which I accepted the slays for willing, after I understood what I had done wrong) I have never been banned from any TTT server in the past. For that matter, I have never been banned from any server in the past (Except for once, I clicked on a bad link, whew that was a mistake, but was fixed within minutes). As SeriousTTT's admins and mods can confirm, I don not start fights and I try to aid the staff whenever possible.

    Now, onto the specifics. I was banned for 5 days, which after reviewing the rules, leads me to believe I was banned for RDM and Leave. Yesterday, admins came on and off, dealing with issues, and doing their job. After playing for a few hours, I swapped myself into Spectator mode for a few moments and then closed my Garry's Mod. As I remember, @BioHazard was on and can confirm that I did not RDM anybody, and certainly did not leave to avoid punitive action.

    I am very willing to answer any and all questions that will lead to a conclusion. I hope for a ban reduction, or if possible, ban expungement. I am also willing to serve out multiple slays, it is felt to be a reasonable replacement of the ban.

    (After thought) Only after typing this I found SeriousTTT's link to the banned list. I was right that I was banned for RDM and Leave, although there is no more notes leading to the ban.

    Thank you for your time.​
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    Hey man hope your day is going well! You were banned by @Opii for RDM and Leave 1st offense.

    He will respond ASAP.
  3. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    Hello, Enderspine!

    You were banned by @Opii for your first offense of RDM and Leave. He will respond as soon as he is able to, so please be patient until then.

    Just a friendly reminder, please remember to ask in admin chat if you are free of any slays before leaving the servers to prevent events like this.

    Best regards,
  4. @CDriscoll Like I said in the original post, admins were coming in and out, and I would not have had a chance to. Also as I said, I am completely willing to serve a fresh slay, as I review some other ban appeals, and see that that has been used to resolve cases.
  5. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Hello Enderspine,

    Thank you for making an appeal. I banned you yesterday on the 67thway after slaying you for killing a player swinging a crowbar toward you, but not damaging you. After the slay was dealt out, you argued that it was not RDM. After attempting to explain that it was indeed RDM being that t-baiting is defined as "shooting towards players" in the MOTD and not swinging a crowbar toward players/around players. About 2 minutes later you left with a slay and I consequently banned you for RDM and Leave.
    I don't believe there was any mal-intent, likely just a slip of the mind after you got slain. Being that it was your first ban on our servers, I will be accepting this appeal and unbanning you. Always ensure that you either serve your slay or have no slay before leaving the server. Have a nice day.
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