Invalid Electronized's Report

Discussion in 'Shoutbox Ban Appeals' started by Electronized, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Report or Appeal:
    Username of the reported player:
    Explain the case:
    I didn't want to make this report. I wanted to give HelixSpiral a chance to explain his decision. I thoroughly dislike reporting (lead) admins. So I sent a friend request to HelixSpiral. He declined.
    In all seriousness, this is extremely unprofessional, and I have trouble figuring out what was going through his head when he made that decision.

    Now on to the report.
    I feel that Helix did not in the slightest handle that properly.
    To begin, he never let Rick give his reasoning, like at all. Rick was confused as to what I reported him, and after I told him Helix did his thing.
    It's as if Rick and I were having a discussion and Helix just burst through the wall and put a stop to it. When did it become acceptable for admins to behave in this way? It does kind of undermine the whole 'we learn from reports', doesn't it? If I, and everyone else, can't get reasoning, do we learn from reports at all?

    Secondly, his response was.. interesting.
    In his 6-sentence essay, he provided absolutely no evidence. He just stated presumed facts/opinions and left it at that. It's the exact oppposite of what I had done to Echo in SB. I provided the evidence and left the conclusion up to you, Helix provided the conclusion and left the evidence up to you.
    Let me dissect the response.

    Perfect score so far.

    Firstly, I had no idea who warned me.
    Secondly, I think the warning was a bit weird because I didn't get a notification, and I was just giving my honest answer to the guy above me.
    Thirdly, it's not the same behavior. In that thread I actually said he had unnecessarily lied. In SB I never insulted him/called him a liar. I was just checking to see if his story added up, which it didn't.

    Again, not the same behavior.

    I never harassed Echo in SB. Even Rick had figured out 'pursuing' is a better word. Also, we need to draw a line between actual harassment and made up harassment. If I say 'HelixSpiral is dumb lmao.' that's not a fact and it's absolutely harassment. Now if I say 'Vaxxing doesn't cause autism.' that is a fact and it's not harassment.
    Echo just hated my facts, pulled the handbrake and called it harassment.

    You knock it off. back to middle school comebacks lmao.

    Yes, he did.
    I wasn't the only one going on about Echo's story. There were more people, yet only once did he tell someone other than me to stop. ' two.', meaning Echo and I.
    You, dear Helix, also completely forgot to include your reasoning as to why Xpro's comment is not harassment.
    Xpro said that this was minor insult and insults like these have been addressed in previous reports. He states that punishing people for these comments would be dumb because we're a gaming community. Also he states that we don't want that kind of censorship in our community.

    Except, this was absolutely not a minor insult. In those previous reports you targeted an extremely wide range of people. In your very much uncalled for comment you went after me, and only me.
    Can we say that other people have disabilities out-of-the-blue and not be punished for it?
    To top it all off, we got censored to hell in that 'Former Staff' thread. Not only were @TheDoctor094's and my comments, which were arguably more severe, removed, they also removed Aquast's and Kyül's comments.
    @Aquast just said that the thread was useless.
    @Kyül was just making a joke about there being a fun police.
    Why would the censorship argument apply to you, someone who is known to not be an angel, but not to us?

    I hope that this issue can get resolved.
    Related Evidence:

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  2. Ata47

    Ata47 Mars Rover Banned VIP

  3. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Do I need to comment here Helix? Happy to dig through some logs
  4. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Heya @Electronized ,

    Happy New Year to you. Glad to see we're at a great start with this molehill you've made in to a mountain here.

    Let's get Xpro's comment out of the way since this is the more insigificant part of the report:


    You told him to stop. He stopped. There's nothing to report here. I'll post this here from our conversations, I think this makes the fourth time I've sent this to you:

    You sent me a friend request, and I declined it. You have continuously added me, harassed me, and then immediately deleted me when things didn't go your way since nearly the beginning of your join date on these forums. You have lost this privilege. I will not add you on Steam. You have already burned those bridges to the ground. In the same vein, I never received any forum conversation from you regarding this.

    Casual told you to chill it out. That was literally it. I didn't need to hear anything else from Casual because I saw the conversation, and I knew about the other extenuating circumstances surrounding it, and I knew that he was in the right.

    I'm going to be incredibly blunt here, @Electronized - you're not clever. You're not going to come here and post 'symptoms' of it after being warned to stop and play it off as 'just dropping facts' to avoid all notice. You have been pressuring and intimidating her ever since she has originally talked about and has asked you to stop, after you have received a warning, and have gone to levels that are incredibly inappropriate including asking for actual pictures of medical records and their hospital room for the mere purpose of satisfying some morbid curiosity in a matter that is not only incredibly insignificant, but has absolutely no bearing on you what so ever in the slightest bit. Casual did absolutely nothing wrong by asking you to cool down and in turn, your behavior in this whole matter has been absolutely disappointing.

    I'm not going to give you the pleasure of posting your conversation again, Echo has already been dragged through enough of this with you- no need for it to be posted again on the report. I saw all of the conversation, know the circumstances, and didn't presume anything. I frankly don't care what you think the truth is or what it's backed up by, the way you went about this was incredibly inappropriate. You argue that this isn't the same behavior- but I honestly can't answer for you how you're not connecting the dots here. It is, and you're not getting away with it. You were warned, you acknowledged you were aware you were warned, and you still continued it anyways.

    All of this because an admin told you to 'calm down.' This isn't what reports are for.

    Table is yours, @Opalium
  5. I can remember asking for your permission to insult you because I thought you were being unfair to Frnech Ghost. You agreed. I called you a dickhead. Then you said something like 'There you go'. Then I made up as many insult as I could imagine as a joke. This all happened what, like 1 - 2 months ago? Can you bury the hatchet?
    I didn't send you a convo because 1. That type of conversation is slower than steam; 2. I thought you would accept my steam request, as I didn't expect you to be still so mad about an incident so long ago. 'Lost your privilege' sorry, your Highness.

    Whoah, slow down there. That's even more unprofessional. Declining a friend request is not that bad, but calling me stupid is bad. You're a lead admin remember. You should not go down to the level of insulting people.
    There's also a bunch of faulty information in there For starters, Echo is a he. Secondly, I've never had the intentions of intimidating him, pressuring is definitely something I did, pressing for the truth.
    I simply suggested that he could send those, with all the private information covered (I even told him how to do that) to confirm he wasn't lying, was it inappropriate? I must say a little bit, even though this all happened in private.
    Indeed, Casual didn't do anything wrong in asking me to calm down, but there should've been more people than me to be asked to calm down.

    That's... quite worrying, to be honest.

    Reports are for learning, you've taught extremely little, Hehspiral.

    I find it funny how, in such a long response, you managed to put in so little information. It's all just 'You're stupid and your behavior is disappointing' and 'I'm not even going to give you a response to that'.

    The table is indeed yours, @Opalium, at least we can agree to one thing.
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    @Opalium has more important things to worry about than insignificant situations like this... So I'll take care of this on his behalf.

    I'm really unsure what you're trying to do here @Electronized. You keep poking and prodding at Echo without being provoked to do so in any way. They might be lying, they might not be. Regardless, it doesn't matter and it really doesn't affect you in any way shape or form. No staff has handled anything improperly here, you've just decided to both cause a fuss and then play the helpless victim card when you were told to stop.

    Please stop wasting our time here. If you continue to press on with anything related to these reports, further action may have to be taken.


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