Denied Dystortion's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Dystortion, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Dystortion

    Dystortion Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    [!] Dystortion
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1​
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Served a sentence in the form of a slay, was later banned for 5 or more days.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was using a frag to try and blow the pipes and got harpooned by a traitor which resulted in at least two deaths of innos. Complete accident, got slayed three times. Later on I killed a guy because I thought he had just killed someone with a FAL, body had a FAL as the kill weapon, recently heard shooting, saw it drop. I thought that was reasonable to kill the guy, it wasnt and Giruti said thats +4 rdms and I was gone for five days so I got pissed and left. Fine and all but still, if I served and wasn't on the server Actively RDMing people and was simply Playing the game, Why do I deserve a 5 or so day ban?​
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello Dystortion! Hope you're having a fantastic evening.

    Unfortunately, your appeal is denied!

    Why you ask? Because you already RDMed 3 players with a frag grenade on Canyon earlier and I gave you 3 slays instead of a ban, courtesy to my admin, @Thorn, who gave me permission to bypass the Mass RDM (3+) ban. Here are the logs to that incident as well.


    And then to add onto that incident, you chose to RDM another player for the incident on Teen Room that you described in your reason why you should be unbanned. Basically in short, you killed a player for suspicion because the player did not do anything during that particular instance when you killed him. Here are the logs as well as the report that was made on you for that incident.


    With all of those piece of evidence pointed against you going to Mass RDM (4+), which leads up to a 5 day ban. You even chose to say some interesting choice words in anger and left the server. In either case, your ban became an RDM & Leave ban, which is what I banned you for. Overall, I cannot see you being unbanned as beneficial to the Serious TTT servers. This is my decision that I have made regarding your appeal. I hope you understand why I made this decision. Your ban however, is only local and you still have access to the other 4 servers while you wait for your ban on East 1 to expire. Have a good day. This appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement.

    Sincerely, Giruti{GC}
  3. Dystortion

    Dystortion Member

  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Appeal has been locked. Have a good day!
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