Approved DuskGenie's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by DuskGenie, Jul 24, 2020.

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  1. DuskGenie

    DuskGenie Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    (brugh) DuskGenie
    Your Steam ID:
    (brugh) DuskGenie
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    We were messing around and I hit the incorrect wire for a c4. The mod banned me because I killed him with it.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    No one reported me because they knew it wasnt my fault. The mod was mad that I screwed his T round.​
  2. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    @RyanHighman who banned you for Mass RDM (1st)

    Please be patient as they respond.
  3. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    I have seen this and will respond in a couple hours
  4. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    Ok so I banned you for mass RDM 1st after you armed a c4 and it killed 5 people when dazza attempted to disarm it.

    You claim that you attempted to disarm it and I only banned you because I was salty (I wasn't even killed by it). As you can see in the screenshot, you did arm the C4, which is why the logs say you killed those 5 people.
  5. DuskGenie

    DuskGenie Member

    I just assumed you got killed by this. The only reason that I thought I was trying to disarm it was because I thought another guy armed it already. Only 2 of those five people were not in on the roulette we were playing and the rest said that they didn't mind because they knew what happened.
  6. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    There was a lot of c4 roulette going on, I’ll give you that. However with mass RDM it doesn’t matter if it’s consensual. Had everyone that you killed been part of the c4 roulette, I would have looked for discretion to not ban from an admin. But since at least 2 of the people were not part of it, I went ahead with the ban.

    I’ll reduce your ban to 3d because of the group nature. But if you get banned for mass RDM again in the near future, it will be a 2 week ban.

    And just keep in mind that you carry the risk of RDMing whenever you are playing around with c4s as an inno. With the large blast radius of the c4, I wouldn’t recommend planting any as innocent, since it is very easy to get yourself a mass rdm ban that way.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Ban: Reduced - Not Voided
    Thread: Locked

    If you have any further questions about this, feel free to PM me on discord
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