Denied Dudewrath_Exalted's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Dudewrath_Exalted, Sep 20, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't even know why I was banned. I don't remember any reports from last night when I logged off, and I was banned for 182 days on all servers and I don't know why.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    @Alice banned you for Sixth Offense of RDM & Leave, which was globalized and extended by @Nena . Please be patient while you wait for a response.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Good afternoon, @Dudewrath_Exalted, I'll be responding shortly. Just a moment while I get my evidence together.
  4. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Alright, I found what I'm looking for.


    After receiving this report, I'd listened to the in-game voice chat for a little while longer and came to the conclusion that you killed this user for calling another user innocent, and that the user they had called innocent had been killed and identified as a traitor later on. This is RDM, as it is not traitorous to call another user innocent, regardless of what role they end up being. As such, you were slain for RDM, and left shortly after. As Wolfy stated, this is your sixth offense of RDM and Leave during your time on our servers, and that is why I will be denying your appeal. I hope that if or when you come back, you will have a better understanding of our rules and that you will adjust your playstyle accordingly to help keep the servers enjoyable. @Nena may respond with a different verdict later on, but for now I will be locking this thread. Have a good day.
  5. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Unlocked at OP's request

    He had more to post..
  6. I DID SERVE THAT SLAY, I remember it because you were still online Alice and the map changed, and I served the slay and played for like 30 more minutes! How in the world is that RDM and leave? You even said you were getting off for the night around the time I logged off of the server!
  7. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    This would be rather conflicting with the rest of the screenshot in my original post. I cropped the report window, but in the whole image, I even have the message of you leaving during your slay.


    After this I'd waited a few more minutes to be sure you weren't returning, and I didn't see your name again on the player list or in the logs. I will check again to be absolutely sure but I'm confident I didn't miss anything.
  8. I don't remember leaving, even if I did, it would have been around 3AM! If I had fallen asleep or otherwise inadvertently closed my game, I would have returned! Could I serve the slay? I don't want to be banned for half a year for some stupid mistake that I don't even remember doing.
  9. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    I've reviewed the logs of the map following cs_assault and I did not find your name in the list of participants or in the damage logs. It's possible that we'd both hopped to a different server after the ban had been issued, you are stating that you were banned on East 2 after all, when I issued the original ban from West 2. As for my decision, I still feel like I'm making the right decision by keeping the ban in place. If your ban history had been shorter than it is, my mind may have changed, but this is your sixth offense of RDM and Leave. I apologize, but I am going to keep to the decision I made. I will lock the thread for now. If you would like to discuss a reduction, Nena will be available later on, you can start a conversation with her here.
  10. After speaking with Dudewrath and the situation at hand, I have reduced his ban to 4w Global.

    Note: Any further RDM and Leave Offenses with valid evidence from this user will not be reduced.
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