Denied Duck Shot's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Duck Shot, Apr 5, 2015.

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  1. Duck Shot

    Duck Shot New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Duck Shot
    Your Steam ID:
    Duck Shot
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    To add to this point, I'd like to say a more in depth view on the situation. Before I begin, I must say I'm actually surprised by the way the regulars/mods act in this forum. I don't mean to expect professionalism of any sort of things related to Garry's Mod, but I would thought I'd see more than people belittle people in a clique like matter. i.e. superiority complex especially towards a minority in the community.
    To give another point of view to this nonsense besides that of which I'm sure your mods or someone who has a heavily biased opinion and refrains from seeing otherwise has given. This whole stemmed from Dalluge getting karma banned. Upon his Ban, a few of us began saying items in the line of "#FreeDullage2015" and other such jokes but none of which was aimed at all at the mods in anyway. We even had a majority of the server playing along, but we already knew that you can't undo karma ban. It was all in good fun from our end, I can completely assure of you that. Once the chanting began to slowly die down, a mod gagged an user for "spam" despite people still lightly joking. They went on to say, in paraphrase feel free to ask the person who said this what they said and meant but their actions gave this light to what they said, "If you say anything related to Dalluge, you'll be gagged". So people in an obviously defiant nature at first just said it because as I'm sure you've come to understand people will do when challenged in such a way. Then slowly that began to die down a gain with a couple still adamant about the whole thing but not really causing any sort of disruption. I will defend that point, no matter what the opposition says as that is what happened. Then Dorkcus was banned for disruptive behavior for 8 hours. Then we were threatened to not mention is again or there would be bans, gags, mutes to anyone that even tried to say anything. So we're resentful of the mods but continue to play the game normally and by the rules. Slays still taking place and understood, aside from a slight quarrel between two that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Then Dalluge returns from his hour ban. This excites everyone, this normally would of been the end of the issue but due to the way the mods handled the issue earlier, it exploded on them. For a bit, we just let out our excitement and then again as it was beginning to die down when Dalluge got into a bicker with one of the mods. Here's where my dilemma comes with this. If someone tells you something on Garry's mod in a joking manner, because that is exactly as Dalluge did to the mod, why would a 2 week ban be the appropriate punishment? People talk bad to mods and to each other all the time online and in Garry's mod. So what makes this any different? Because a mod got fed up with the nonsense they caused in the first place? Their poor solution to this from that point was bans on top of bans at even the mention of Dalluge. I am actually irked that mods are allowed to threaten people for "acting like children"when right here in the chat for this forum they act the exact same way. One of the responses from a mod was "banning the trolls" and that we were subjecting people to our trolling. No, by no stretch of the imagination were we downing on anyone with how we acted. If the mods felt that way, that's their opinion. But to let it get to the point where their banning people for 2 weeks over nothing? Come on. Is this serious, how you're going to let them just act because "Oh well you can just go to another sever and act stupid there" what about if this same abuse of what little power mods have comes into play again? What are you actions then?
    I'm sure I'm going to get flak for what I said and how I said, and frankly I must say, "Stop avoiding the issue and trying to act high and mighty when you yourselves are at the same level we are". If I'm unbanned or not, is your decision and I will respect it which ever way it goes.
    As I was about to post this response to a previously made thread, I noticed it was deleted. Before entering into the forum to make this reply I sat and watched the chat for the forum and saw how loosely the people there took anything and disregarded others while acting like complete children.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Denied. You and your friends were continuously Harassing, mic spamming, spamming and trolling.
  3. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    We take group trolling very seriously. Judging by your friends forum actions, server actions, and TeamSpeak actions, we made the right choice in banning you and your friends for your inappropriate behaviour. One of your friends first ban was a karma ban, to which he trolled and begged we unban him. We usually don't unban people from karma bans because it teaches them to be more careful with their playing. Sadly you and your friends got out of hand to the point where I was called onto the server to remove you. If you had all acted professional, this wouldn't of had to happen.
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