Approved [DPA]nabouja's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by [DPA]nabouja, Jul 29, 2016.

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  1. [DPA]nabouja

    [DPA]nabouja New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    [DPA] nabouja
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I want to be unbanned because there was a vocal kos on them and after i killed him someone said i rdm'd him.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Jaysu

    Jaysu BAMF VIP

    You were banned by @Cafedemocha for "RDM and Leave 1st offense". He will respond when he is available, so please remain patient until then.
  3. Cafedemocha

    Cafedemocha 2319 VIP

    Hey @[DPA]nabouja I banned you for this report here:


    As you can see from the screenshot you left the server without giving a response to the report. Due to the reason you gave here on why you killed him I will be unbaning but it will not be voided from your adminstats.
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