Double Barrel Suggestion.

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by My Name is Alex, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. I want to throw my idea for the double barrel in to the ring, as people still seem to feel it is OP. I threw this idea around and some guys on West 2 seemed to like it. Anyway, I say, make the DB a Detective weapon. Give it back the two shot ability, but it would make for a perfect D weapon. The quick shots would make for great traitor hunting, esspecially if you have DNA. That would keep it from everybody having it, and constantly bitching about being killed by it. Subsequently make the Jackhammer a Traitor weapon, as its high capacity makes it great for holding off lots of people chasing you down. This is all my opinion, but I feel like it provides the best solution to the Double Barrel debate.
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  2. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    +1, although it might take a while for it to be rechanged (if ever), since it was just nerfed a little bit back
  3. -1 to jackhammer t weapon
  4. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    ^ its only logical though. Using jackhammer, which fires extremely quickly, you can use it to exterminate a whole lot of innos in one go. With the DB, the D uses it to hunt Ts down one by one, and when he does, they're dead.
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  5. But T have mp7
  6. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    MP7 is mid range, drag is long range, they need a short range (also need a spray and pray gun, everyone needs those)
  7. Like I said, just a suggestion, some people seemed to like it. I'm personally just tired of the constant complaining and bitching that comes with use of the Double Barrel, I simply choose not to use it, I just thought this seemed like a good idea, so I took it here.
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  8. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    I really like the db as a regular weapon. I don't feel like it's op because it's realistic. A double barrel shotgun should be a 1-2 hit point blank.
  9. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    well, it's OP since its the ONLY realistic gun in the game, with the exception of a few snipers.
  10. -1, The DB shouldn't become a T/D weapon, it should just be nerfed. And I love the Jackhammer as a D weapon.
  11. Jack hammer t wep, db detective wep +1 i cant believe i didnt think of that, this is the best suggestion evar
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  12. I mean just think about it, the Jackhammer has a very high capacity magazine, and does pretty decent damage. Plus with the spread of the pellets it would be perfect for firing on the move, or at a large group of people. The jackhammer is also non-silenced, so people would know when it was being used instead of all the traitor weapons being silenced. I think it is the perfect traitor weapon, and it has never really had a specific purpose as a D weapon. The DB just makes more sense for a D weapon. I'm really just more concerned with the constant complaining. Every damn game I get into there is a handful of people that get killed by that gun, and then they start complaining and then they don't stop for awhile. I see this as an idea on how to get people to stop complaining about it.
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  13. Cedrouleau

    Cedrouleau Member

    Ithink this ideal is a good ideal.
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  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    -1 I think that if anything it should be a traitor weapon. It used to be nice to be able to jihad players, but now if any have a DB, you're screwed.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    A 7.62 AK47 should be a one shot to the head. A DB wouldn't be realistic to be a one shot point blank unless the other three shotguns were. For all we know, the DB is using 6 shot 2 inch shot shells. Also, damage wouldn't be affected by karma, if this were that realistic.
  16. My only problem with this, is that they already tried to nerf it and they only made it worse, I want people to stop comlaining about the gun, and I feel my idea is the best to stop this.
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    It's not that hard to avoid it since the nerf. It is now a single shot and will lose to most weapons at range. Just stay on your toes.
  18. I still see copious amounts of people going on rampages with it, and I still hear people complain, I don't care that much, but I'm tired of the complaining.
  19. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    Rampages will never be avoided with shotguns. They are easy kills if you're a good shot no matter what.
  20. Tom Hanks

    Tom Hanks Active Member

    -1 The double barrel is very strong I'll agree to that but limiting it to detectives would hinder many players. Plus the jackhammer is one of the detective's greatest assets.