Ok, I wanna see some spicy opinions. Lets have a civil, honest discussion on if more than 2 genders should actually be accepted into society, if there even are more than two possible genders, if the proper pronoun usage should be imposed etc etc Lets see where this goes
Personally the genders I see are: Male, Female and Transgender. All others just confuse me, if you identify as them then uh you do you but don't go all nuclear on me if I mistake you for male or female by how you sound or look
I view people who have a penis as male vagina as female and anything in between as other. Now if you want to discuss what "other" is then that's more interesting than saying we only have male and female genders. Before you say "WELL WAIT IT'S NOT CALLED OTHER IT'S ACTUALLY CALLED A B C D E F G!" Other can comprise of a lot of different varieties so I'm saying other because I'm not listing everyone's definitions/preferences on what they call other to be. Also I dont make the distinction between "sex" and "gender" You are what you are ok lol. Genderfluid? Nigga if you ain't a literal puddle of hormones you're a gender some way or another. Prove it instead of saying Im a sheep 1 day and Im bi-rock-sexual the next. You be male female or other.
Personally I get a bit lost when someone identifies as something one day, and then swaps the next, but I don't care what they do or want to be called lol. If you want to be a guy, cool, and if you want to be a girl, cool, but don't be an asshole just because you flip flop really often and then proceed correct me with "uh, it's tuesday, i'm X today." Just do you, but be understanding when I get your gender wrong lol. I don't read minds. The people that shit on other people for choosing to be whatever they want are the real topic tbh. Yeah, if someone wants to be a girl, but is covered in body hair and has more muscles than hulk hogan, it can seem a bit outlandish, but that's not my situation to worry about.
I'm gonna be honest on this, but know I am completely accepting of anyone and everyone no matter what gender they are,. For me, part of me is confused beyond the 2 original genders. It asks whether we need them or not whether it is a "phase" or not but then my other part kicks in. My other part thinks in a more respectful manner, more of well, I have friends that see them selves as this, would they be friends if I really thought that way? And as such I know I don't think that way, because I have my own weird quirks and what is it for me to judge. So my suggestion to all of you is go think: "why do I have the right to judge them?"
There’s dudes and chicks. If you say you’re trans then you just identify as the other. Still dude or chick.
Spoiler: Ideal female body 2 genders; male and female. Trans are those who switch camp but ultimately consider themselves one or the other. If you're genderfluid or demigender or whatever, and have the "gender" equivalent of PMS, it no longer has anything to do with gender and is just you being weird - which is fine, but that's not my problem. If you want to dress and style yourself as a female, then as a male, then as some chimaera of the two, be my guest. But in my book that's outside the scope of gender.
Genders are simple, there's two. Male and female. There's one for those who are stuck in between those two: transgender. All the other 'Genders' are just an expression of your personality, it has absolutely nothing to do with your gender. Yes, you can 'identify' with having both female and male interests, news flash, that's called personality. Here's the 'complete' list of 'genders': http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/gender I'll get some examples going in spoilers Spoiler Amaregender: a gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with That's called being bisexual, that has nothing to do with gender. idiot. Abimegender: a gender that is profound, deep, and infinite; meant to resemble when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror creating an infinite paradox That's some fucking deep shit right there, give me whatever he's having. Adamasgender: a gender which refuses to be categorized Seems like we have a rebel here... Spoiler Aerogender: a gender that is influenced by your surroundings So this is how we get people to sexually identify with Apache helicopters, don't go near airports if you're Aerogender. Aesthetigender: a gender that is derived from an aesthetic; also known as videgender The fuck this even mean? How are people even taking this seriously Affectugender: a gender that is affected by mood swings If you're affected by mood swings, you're either pregnant or need medication as that could be a serious psychological issue. i haven't even gotten half way through the A's yet... feelsbadman.
I guess I should give my own input in the matter. Just in case, I dont mean to offend anybody. Its a discussion and people have different opinions So yeah, I consider myself a pretty tolerant person overall. When it comes to the topic of gender binary people and the idea that gender is maluable, thats where I have to disagree. Gender isnt like sexuality where it is a psychological trait, therefore maluable; instead its a biological trait that simply describes the number of x and y chromozomes an individual has, which will never change. You cant change your gender like you cant change your age. You can certainly identify as another, and to me thats fine, but I dont really see non-binary genders as being real. To me, the idea that gender is a personal spectrum is nonsensical. I dont diffirentiate the concepts of sex and gender. I dont see the point of labeling yourself so much just because of small traits of your personality. That said, I completely accept and love people who are transgender or who identify as a non-binary gender exactly the same as anyone else. I really just dont see the difference on a personal level, I see everybody as human beings and thats it. What I do not tolerate however is being forced to reffer to someone with different pronouns and even being called names for not accepting peoples pronouns. Not because im not tolerant, but in general you cant force your ideals on someone and shame them for not accepting them calling them oppressive or biggotted . And finally, I think gender fluidness doesnt have a place in society. In reality my whole point about people who label themselves as a non binary gender is: Why cant you just be you? And yeah, I have strong opinions. Doesnt mean im an asshole. Again, ill love someone the same no matter if theyre male or identify as an ostrich. Just dont force me to treat you differently just cause you dont feel comfortable with yourself
My stance is, there's science, and then there's science-fiction. You can call yourself, feel like what ever you want, but what you can't do is expect society as a whole to warp to YOUR perceptions or adhere to them, nor can you expect people's inborn judgment to change. If you 'identify' as a woman, but you look like a man, for example, and someone calls you a man? That is not the fault of the person. That is natural. To summarize, be/feel/think how you want, but don't try to impose it on others. Same for religion and politics.
I think it's safe to say we've come to the conclusion that none of us religiously believe and or follow heavily the tumblr discussion on gender.
So are you assuming that all trans people get mad when you misgender them the first time? I agree with you to the extent that they shouldn't, but that doesn't mean ALL do. I think you're just grouping trans people up with radical left SJWs and calling it a day. I was friends with a trans person irl for quite some time. I called him a her when we first spoke. Later on, he politely corrected me and told me he was trans. I have never met anyone (internet or irl) who tells me to call them some insane pronoun or shouts at me for not doing so immediately after having met them It seems simple enough to call someone who looks like a girl a boy and someone who looks like a boy a girl after they tell you. Otherwise, you're simply being spiteful for no other reason but to do so