Approved Dirty Amish Guy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Confused Amish Man, Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Dirty Amish Guy
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    To be completely honest, this is less about being unbanned and more about protesting the validity of the ban itself, as I'm going camping tomorrow anyway and the ban doesn't affect me.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Not really much in way of evidence due to the whole being banned bit. I guess I can just speak my part.

    So, I was playing for a little under two hours, having a good time. Senpai was the only Moderator online, and the whole time, there was a player by the name of BlackManPreacher, preaching the entire time. Like, playing black gospel music through his mic, baptizing people in map pools, etc, the entire two hours I was online. Now, this made him the target of a lot of love and killing by traitors, so every round he died rather quick.
    The round I was banned for began with me killing a traitor that I saw murder someone in the next room, on Dolls. Then, I heard that Black had been murdered by a heathen, so I go running to avenge. I believe it was Meh who was running around with his body, shouting about a "viking funeral." Now, as everyone knows, this means burning. So, we ran into the closet, saying over the mic "meh and others" that we were going to burn the body and to stay away. So, when he dumped it, I threw an incendiary at the preacher, and he lit on fire. unfortunately, others decided not to heed our warnings and run into the fire. Not that much damage was inflicted on those that did.

    After that shitshow, a guy ran up and shotgunned another guy in the face. My reflexes kicked in, and KOSing him, I killed the attacker. The attacker turned out to be an innocent killing a traitor, but did not call out the T in any way, leading to me killing him validly. After this, I felt bad, so I suicided.

    All in all, I killed Traitor for a valid KOS, I threw an incendiary in a bout of fun in a secluded spot after multiple warnings of fire and the server egging me on, and then killed an innocent for killing a traitor unnanounced and scaring the shit out of me. So, in the report, I explained the situation, and told senpai I would willingly take a slay as I know I was technically in the wrong. Instead, two rounds later, I got banned.

    I don't understand how it is okay for a player to basically mic spam for several hours, but when the same player and crew egg me on to do one act that was warned about and secluded, I get banned for, when I did not falsely kill multiple people in any way. It wasn't throwing an incen into a crowd for shits and giggles, it was burning a body in a closet.

    Again, it doesn't really matter if I am unbanned, it just seems rather unfair and harsh to ban me for said round, especially calling it "mass RDM," especially when I was very straightforward and respectful about it afterwards.
    Thank you for your time.​
  2. neutral

    neutral VIP

  3. Senpai Reich


    Greetings Dirty Amish Guy,

    I'll go ahead and start by saying your appeal has been accepted. You've acknowledged your mistakes and responded respectfully in the report against you. The instances of RDM were rather spontaneous and I too agree that a 1 day ban should not be warranted, but rather the three slays for each one. Given your overall behavior on the servers while I was online, I have no problem with your willingness to serve the slays.

    Thank you for appealing, and apologies for any inconveniences caused. If you have any more concerns, you may start a conversation with me/add me on steam. Otherwise, have fun on the servers!
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