Detectives that FALSE KOS/RANDOM KOS should be punished.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Banana Bread, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. I have found a loophole:

    A detective can KOS anyone even without proper evidence of traitorous actions.
    A detective can KOS anyone RANDOMLY.


    so when a detective screams: "[NAME] is a traitor!"

    Everyone would think that THAT is a KOS on the guy.

    Since FALSE KOSing is KOSable on INNOCENTS , What is the punishment for DETECTIVES?!

    I am proposing a solution to this loophole:


    Any thoughts/other proposals?


    Side Note: I am suggesting this because I have been a victim of this BS. A detective randomly calls me out as a traitor (I was a traitor, but I was NOT doing traitorous things) and after that I get randomly killed by an innocent who followed the detective's KOS.
  2. Ditto

    Ditto Some people fear death, others ask for it. VIP

    Detectives can get punished just as any other detective, or innocent can for False KOS. There has never been a rule where the detective can basically call out the whole server, and be OK with it. So as long as a staff member witnesses the false KOS. Or has enough info. from players. Detectives can be punished for false KOS just like any other player.
  3. And what is that punishment?
    I've only seen that if an innocent has false kosed they can be killed
  4. Ditto

    Ditto Some people fear death, others ask for it. VIP

    It would be the same as an innocent false KOS'ing. 1 slay.
  5. Oh, I did not know that. Thanks!

    So, to clear things up, when a detective randomly KOS or false KOS , They get 1 slay nr?

    If so, Please close this thread thanks!
  6. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    A round for a round. An eye for an eye.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Ditto

    Ditto Some people fear death, others ask for it. VIP

    Thread Locked at OP's request.
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