Denied DerektheDeeG's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by DerektheDeeG, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. DerektheDeeG

    DerektheDeeG New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Think there was a misinterpretation
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Was playing on Dollhouse and as a detective killed an innocent, the innocent (who's name I have no idea) had suspicion called on him by other innocents, and was acting all together sketchy (Was taking shots randomly, using a very mocking tone to indicate deceit)- finally he took shots on a detective before stopping and claiming he was 'cleaning his mouse', of course I fired-killed him-and was reported. After TJmaxed requested me to respond to this report, I did- and that was that. A round or two later I picked up a frag grenade, I quickly attempt to get rid of it by throwing it (But the round did not start yet so nothing happened, until the round did start [I hadn't noticed] and my grenade was thrown) I was aiming it so it could go straight in the air and explode harmlessly, but luck had it there had to be some sort've prop/mesh up where I threw it, out of sight, because the grenade very very quickly came down- in front of me and another player. I tried typing to the player to run, but I couldn't type it fast enough and it exploded, killing 2 innocents and bringing me down to very low health. Two more reports against me. I responded to both, basically explaining in the report what I said in this box, and that was that. TJMax'd marked me for slay (because after all I did kill 2 innocents and a faulty grenade throw isn't too strong of an excuse), and, that was that. I was slain, the round I was slayed on ended, next round comes up- I'm running around, and boom "You've been slain for mass RDM (3+)"

    Now, I administrated on another server for sometime, and although things may differ and I am not in anyway trying to undermine TJMax's abilities, what is usually considered a mass RDM is when 3+ "RDM's" are done within one round, or in very close succession rounds. Likewise sometimes one who would even have killed 3+ innocents would sometimes be let loose had they had a right excuse (Say they unknowingly press a button activates a trap). Now as I stated during one round I killed one innocent was a detective with a very valid reason, and during the round afterwards I killed 2 innocents in a faulty accidentally that I had likewise not only had an excuse for, but had been punished for and served this punishment. Personally I would'nt classify this as Mass RDM but there was a played in the server "STORMTROOPER(something or another in all caps)" who, unhappy I must've taken his round away (he was one of the victims of the grenade incident) naturally, he had it a bit out for me and claimed I was "RDM'ing like crazy" repeatedly, -I assume this must've been what prompted TJMax to move right after my slay (Which I served) to a ban.

    Once again I am not undermining TJMax's ability I just think there was a bit of miscommunication/misinterpretation of the events that actually unfolded, and thus I am here to try to appeal the ban. If I didn't enjoy the Serious TTT server as much as I did- or felt I was as innocent as I do, I would'nt take the time to try to appeal the ban. I really do enjoy the server and hope the ban is reconsidered​
  2. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Thank you for appealing Derek!
    @TJMaxed will respond at his earliest convenience with further detail on your ban so that he can proceed to come to a verdict on the appeal. You were indeed banned for Mass RDM(3) for a total of 1 day. While you wait, you are more than welcome to play on any of our other 4 servers (West, West2, East2, or Vanilla). Please be patient until then, and we'll get this resolved ASAP.
  3. DerektheDeeG

    DerektheDeeG New Member

    Preciate it The Seventh, after my ban I had sent TJMaxed a friend request to discuss the ban, but it has yet to be accepted. I really like the fact I can still play on other related servers though, and am enjoying my time on them, thank's again
  4. TJMaxed

    TJMaxed No, not like the retail store. VIP

    Hello Derek,

    I apologize for my inability to reply immediately. But your ban was in fact a result of your frag grenade toss. You managed to kill 2 players and damage 2 more. In fact, I had only counted your RDM amount as 3, because I was forced to work quickly due to a flood of various other incoming reports. You actually had committed a mass RDM x4, damaging 2 players and killing 2 players. I have extended your ban time from 24 hours to 5 days after discovering this when I re-read the logs. The damagelog is below if you would like to see it.


    I do appreciate the honesty and respectfulness you showed in your appeal. However, your ban appeal has been denied. You can still enjoy the other servers that SeriousTTT has available, as The Seventh suggested, until your ban has expired.

    Thank you
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