Denied DeathMaster's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by DeathMaster, Nov 5, 2018.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Hey! My name is KingCrimson and ive been playing for a long time on this server, ive been banned for a ´´pornographic´´ spray, and I think ive been unfairly been banned. First of all the spray is not really not really against the rules- it says ``Porn is defined as "arousing images, videos or depicting sexual activity, or that show general nudity in them. The spray doesn't have to explicitly display these either: even if you cut out the actual part, but the spray can still be understood as one of the above things, it still falls within the rule. Sex toys/objects or sexual liquids are also included in that.´´ And my spray has no nudity, nor is it arousing. Its a anime girl infront of a pc: There is no sexual activity and no real nudity. Even then I can understand if im not allowed to use the spray, but Ive asked before and ive been told that the spray is okay to use, and I was allowed to use it. Some time later another mod tells me that its not allowed- which is confusing, as the rules should be the same for all moderators. He disables the mod, and after he logs out the spray is enabled again. I thought that I can use it, since it was enabled again. But ANOTHER mod comes on and bans me without saying anything. He could have told me that the spray was inappropiate, or disable it, but instead he banned me. Again, my spray wasnt disabled when he joined. Also, there were other players with VERY suggestive sprays that were allowed (e.g little boy seems to ´´blow´´ another little boy, but he is actually taking out a splinter from his hand. (Here is the image, it was without the muslim man on the bottom:

    So please, please unban me. I will make sure to never put a nsfw spray again, I promise it. If you want to see the spray that I will have from now on just tell me, but please unban me. Please.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    As I said, there was a mod who tolerated my spray, then another one who first removed and then put it on again. (or maybe its just because he left the server) and then I was banned without a warning, even though another user had a very suggestive spray and nothing happened to him, meaning that suggesitive sprays were tolerated by that moderater (Spray the player was using:, without the muslim man on the bottom) So I ask you to please unban me, I wont use any suggestive or nsfw sprays ever again, I promise. Please, all I want to do is play on my favourite GMOD server and have fun.​
  2. Siddo

    Siddo Banned VIP Bronze

    @Bubonic is the one who banned you. He'll respond to this appeal at his earliest convenience.
    Please wait patiently until then :LOL:
  3. Ok, thanks!
  4. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    Good Afternoon @DeathMaster, I banned you for a pornographic spray after I had a few players hop over to the server I was on and complain regarding your spray.


    Reading our rule on pornographic content you will see that it includes general nudity. Your spray was a young anime girl completely nude except for a pair of thigh high socks sitting at a computer, and while any genitalia were obscured you could still tell that she was completely nude and there was some outline of breast.

    Considering that I had multiple player complaints, the fact she was nude and drawn to look very young, plus your previous warning from @Noob999 for a borderline spray I made the decision to ban you for 2 weeks per protocol. In addition to those facts you admit to having had the spray removed by a moderator and being warned it was not allowed.

    Since it was removed by a moderator you would have had to go back into the spray menu and re-insert the link for it to work again. Even if the system somehow glitched and allowed you to spray it again without going through that you still knew it was not allowed and made no attempt to change it to something else after realizing it still worked.

    Taking all of this into account I will be Denying this appeal today. Please take more care in choosing your next spray.
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