Denied |DARK-WIZARD|'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by PirateShip, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned from east 1 for ghosting which i did admit to, but then weeks later im playing east 2 and it says " banned: youre on the ban list" and i was banned for 50 days. I would like to at least know why the fuck i was banned.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. apperently on all servers, but the thing was i was already like 30 days through with my ban so it has now refreshed to 56 throughout all servers. Thats unfair.
  3. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    You were banned by @BeautifulButterfly for RDM and Levae 2nd Offense, which was then Globalized and Extended by @Steven | SF due to your history. They will respond as soon as they can.
  4. BeautifulButterfly

    BeautifulButterfly Float like a butterfly VIP

    I have to preface this by saying I find it HILARIOUS and more so, LUDICROUS, that you would appeal your ban.

    Lets start at the beginning shall we? Back before I even joined this server today, in the last three weeks you accrued a total of 2 RDM x3 bans, 2 offenses of RDM and leave, and one ghosting ban. If this is not indicative of your incredibly toxic behavior on the STTT servers, then I am sure all will be convinced with what is to come.

    My first interaction with you at the beginning of the Minecraft city map was you proclaiming to all new players that all AKs and AWPs were KOSable to make sure to kill people you saw with. The conversation between us is as follows:

    You could consider this a character witness for the trials to come.

    Next comes your first instances of direct rule breaking behavior.

    Now in this picture we can see you killing a player with an unknown weapon (most likely propkilling as I didn't see you throw a discombulator) You then further go on to deagle someone about thirty seconds later. When questioned, the conversation was as follows:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I didn't slay you for two rounds, a mistake I will gladly own up to, but it wasn't necessary considering the following events.

    After your slay I was observing a fellow shooting a pig and you gunned him down in cold blood. After forcing the report on you three times with no response over two rounds, I slaid you for two more rounds for (a perceived) second offense of RDM.

    You finally decided to respond with this utter falsehood. Which was quite funny in its own right because I had watched the state of events unfold. However regardless the failure to respond after several forced responses justified the slay in its own right.
    At this point I suspected loophole trolling which is why after your two slays for this offense, I decided to spectate you to collect more evidence.

    This is when we made it to our next offense of RDM where IMMEDIATELY, at the beginning of the first round where you weren't slain, you threw an incindiery grenade as an innocent damaging a MULTITUDE of people.

    It was at this point where you managed to do possible the worst thing yet, you left.

    It is at this point where I asked @Steven | SF to globalize the ban for your unbelievable toxic and loopholing behavior.
    By consequence, I hope you will understand by now that your appeal is

    Enjoy the 8 week vacation from STTT.
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