Damgatito Harrassment

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Sub-Zero, Mar 22, 2014.

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  1. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

  2. SpeakEZ

    SpeakEZ VIP

    i personally asked him to put these up, idk how to lock topic so ill just say....topic locked :)
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    By the looks if this, you two were arguing back and forth. Any extra evidence of the full conversation would help.
  4. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I was there when he harassed me and dam over mic.
  5. damgatito

    damgatito Member

    YES THANK YOU OMGTIN the sea was calling me a stupid faggot and a homosexual and not only me but also omgtin so we started arguing then speak favored sea on his arguement when he wasnt even there when it happened
  6. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I would like nero to speak on this as a mod's word is obviously more evidence then my word. Nero was there when it happened and he muted him for it.
  7. damgatito

    damgatito Member

    where as i said something much more less offensivley and my word couldve been used in many different context i said special and he called me a stupid faggot and a homosexual and the context of those words dont change they are just straight out aweful
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I have spoken with SpeakEZ about his actions, and he has two witnesses that can state that his actions were correct. In the future, do not continue to harass when you receive a warning for it. Sea was warned and did not continue. Topic Locked.
  9. Nero

    Nero Member

    I was there during this and i will say The Sea did insult tin but as omgtin said i gagged him he stopped after but dam continued trolling and harassment to the point of him being kicked.
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