Heyo, I'm resigning after a few weeks of thought. My drive to continue playing Gmod has been shot, and personal emotions along with having difficulty with my computer breaking needing a couple resets didn't help when I was trying to keep going. @Staff, Thanks for letting moderate again, sorry for failing to beat my previous tenure like I said I'd try to. I almost got there I think so that maybe counts? Also better not talk shit about me in staff chats while I'm gone, might reapp just to check on yall later. Don't think I won't. Bet. @EveryoneElse don't think you're off the hook, I'll still bully you stinky nurds. Mod aboose or not. Anyways, might pop back into the servers now and then if I hear someone talking big within rdming range. But for now,
@Tybe it's always been fun talking with you on discord and playing with you on the servers. Just don't become a stranger, and come back if you feel that itch to play again. Gunna miss you buddy!