Approved cuzaseso's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by cuzaseso, Dec 6, 2016.

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  1. cuzaseso

    cuzaseso VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I basicly have a statmement from the guy who never mentioned my name in any report, who basically said we were all on discord "ghosting".

    I have been an active member of this server and communitly most of the year now and i cant think of one time i've ghosted? why? Because i respect the rules.

    Yes,, we were all on discord, yes, we WERE talking, but did i ghost? no? Since Jässa didnt let me explain myself on my last appeal i'd have to make a new one....

    I also talk on discord with active members on the server aswell, but i have never once ghosted with them either.

    I also havent had a legit ban so far either, except for two karma bans i got for killing rdmers and false koses.

    So why would i literally start now?

    HEre on the picture you can see the statement of the person who got me banned, pretty much confessing what HE did.

    And yes, we are all three friends, but i wasnt invovled in the ghosting.
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. cuzaseso

    cuzaseso VIP

    If this isnt proof enough i dont know what is. I can try to get Derpyking to confirm this aswell if it's neccesairy?
  3. DerpyKing

    DerpyKing New Member

    This whole Ghosting thing was all my fault. not bobies and not the fault of cuzza. the thing is that I wasn't that smart enough to mute myself before we joined the server like the others and so bobies knew I was a T en cuzza as well. after he killed me I calles out an "RDM" and after that report he said he heared me over discord. I saw I didn't muted myself.... I take the whole ghosting thing on me because it stared with me. in my eyes cuzza and bobies were innocent and the fault was 100% mine.

    many loves,


    Will never be seen again:poop:
  4. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

    You have been banned by @Jassa for Ghosting. Please wait patiently for his side of the story, thank you.
  5. Jässa

    Jässa Thick thighs save lives VIP

    As I posted all evidence last appeal, I wont post them again.

    Okay, as I see it Derpy and Bobies are trying to change stories slightly to save you from the ban. In the report made, Derpy ends the report with "no logs bb" indicating that he knows the rules and knew Bobies killed him based on info he got from outside of the game. This is condraticted here by him saying he had no idea he had ghosted until Bobies told him. Also in the PM to me Bobies says "they" instead of just Derpy indicating that both Derpy and you were active in voice chat.

    Also you clearly understood that ghosting was happening in the voice chat you were in, yet you didnt bother at all telling staff online at the moment(me) about it.

    But as I have to take things at facevalue and need solid evidence not indicators and as I do not have evidence of you being in discord altering the outcome of the game in any way, I will unban you from the server. However next time you are in a call with ghosters, if you do not want to get banned with them, I suggest telling staff online about it.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
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