Cupcake Madness

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by erwindragon, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. erwindragon

    erwindragon Member

    This is the second time in the past couple days where I was slain due to an RDM with VERY GOOD REASON. The first was my encountering of two people shooting each other, I sprayed the area to kill both where they died within seconds of eachother, and of course one of them was an inno who of course reported me. Cupcake neglected to see where they died, the times between their deaths, and simply looked at the fact that my gun killed this inno and was apparently random. The second occurred just now where a player was already highly suspected, and he approached from a spot where I pinpointed a DNA trace. I killed him and was killed by the T that was behind him. When I got reported, Cupcake didn't believe me when there were at least 2 others who were with me and supported me. He also stated that it is up to the one who puts in the RDM report whether or not I get slain, which is false. The mod is supposed to make the verdict based on his investigations. If anything comes out of this, I want Cupcake Mayhem to know the difference between RDM and killing with a good reason because he obviously does not.
  2. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    I do not rembember anything about this, do you have any screenshots?
  3. erwindragon

    erwindragon Member

    In that case I apologize for your slowness. I wasn't aware of your mental status.
  4. erwindragon

    erwindragon Member

    I don't have screen shots as most of it was verbal
  5. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    Okay on the second situation you ASUMMED the dna led to him you didn't make sure even us moderators slay our selfs for that. the first situation I do not remember.
  6. erwindragon

    erwindragon Member

    there are other points to be made aside from that one fact, where from my POV was quite reasonable
  7. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    I can get an admin to post on this and tell you, you where wrong to kill him.
  8. KingAngel

    KingAngel The 50 year old 13 year old VIP

    hey, we understand you are mad at cupcake but you don't have to call him "Mental" Some people can really get offended of that just a heads up before it gets you into further trouble
  9. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

    verbal harrass makes me not take anything you seriously. just shows you have mad feelings towards whom you're reporting, which means you could just be making this report out of anger and just want that person to be punished for your feelings towards their actions. not buying it.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I think that what Cupcake meant by the fact that the RDM'd person has the choice of getting you slain is whether they really want the Mod/Admin to investigate. I've been in front of a T before and gotten RDM'd and it could be upsetting, especially if the round just started. I usually let that slide if it is actually the T being sneaky and hiding behind me on purpose to get a false KOS on me, but if it is by just stupid luck that one scan of DNA gets me killed, then I'd be kind of upset. I'm not sure how the POV is for the Mods, but I feel that if you got reported for RDMing an inno that just killed a T, it's because you didn't bother to check the bodies. I've accidentally gotten caught up and shot the inno on accident and apologized to the inno for my mistake, which usually clears things up; but I'm sure if you argued with the Mod and the inno which you shot with the attitude which you show in your post, then I'm not surprised that you were slain. That's coming from someone who hasn't played much, but has been on both sides of the RDM'd/RDM'er situation.

  11. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    Yeah, this is gonna get you really far. Closing this trainwreck since you're obviously not serious about it.
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