Denied CSi. Korbin™'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by CSi. Korbin™, Jul 2, 2014.

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  1. CSi. Korbin™

    CSi. Korbin™ New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    CSi. Korbin™
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I went AFK for a while because I had to clean my house, then after I clean, I come back only to see that I have been "banned for 27 days" and I am trying to find out why i was banned. So then I try to join the server again to see if I can ask a mod or an admin why I was banned, So then i get in (somehow while "banned for 27 days") then I see MachineKiller00 and notify him of the situation. Then he proceeds to tell me "I was banned for ghosting" So I say that I have been AFK so that is impossible. He proceeds to play and shortly after leaves the game. So then I tell ComPeter also then he checks and tells me that someone named Nena had banned me for ghosting. I have no real proof of innocence but I hope I get Un-Banned for whatever reason.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    You were banned by @YesyesNena :P for Ghosting. She will respond at her earliest convenience. Also, you were banned on West 2.
  3. CSi. Korbin™

    CSi. Korbin™ New Member

    Umm, I have never played on the West 2 server and the people there said its West 1
    PS. thank both of you for getting on to this so quickly
  4. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hi Korbin.
    The reason I banned you is because you messaged alive player and given information that they weren't suppose to know. See below.


    As you can see there , you messaged an alive player who killed you and tell him to kill that rdmer.
    Hence your appeal will be denied , note that the ban is local so feel free to join our other 4 servers while you banned in west 2.

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