Remake of the counter strike source map cs_crackhouse, small-sized and I had a lot of fun playing on it! *Disclaimer*: there is a marijuana growOP in the basement of the map, I dunno if that will effect your decision to add it.
One man's interesting opinion is another mans " Marijuana is a drug and i do not wish for my children to assoicate with such devilish worship!"
knowing you Amazing you would open a shose and hemp shop with Slippery >.< +1. Fun map although it will be a bit tricky for Ts to get away with things due to the layout of the map. 1 downside though; there is a truck on the left side of the building that people can get stuck in if they jump over the fence and get in it. You can get out using some of the props in there, but traitors like tossing an incendiary grenade in there to trap them.
Ah yes forgot about that damn truck. I'm also tempted to open the map up in hammer editor and just delete it
Personally I like it being in the map. Its their fault if they willing get into something they know they can get stuck in.