Denied Constable Vingt's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Constable Vingt, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. Constable Vingt

    Constable Vingt New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Constable Vingt
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Check your server logs. When we were playing on the cs_Assault map, I got RDM'd by the player "Vallerfax" during my T round, even though I barely did anything suspicious. (He was at "Hurt" health level and I was "Healthy". I walk past him with a Mac-10, he headshots me with a Deagle.) After he RDM'd me, he said some time later "lol sorry to whoever i killed ill get whats coming to me", and I reported him (and I'm not sure if that's even been looked at) and I attempted to RDM him in return the next round, because literally nobody noticed Vallerfax RDM me, and because there were no Mods on. ("No Mods, no rules")

    While I attempted to RDM Vallerfax, I get gunned down by a Detective, and when it's revealed that I was Innocent, everyone is apparently "surprised" by my act and I get accused of T baiting.
    Everything is fine until the map changes to Alps.

    On Alps, I finally RDM Vallerfax for RDMing me back on cs_Assault, and NOBODY noticed me do it, (no surprise there). He then reported me, saying "randomly killed me", which is fucking stupid, considering he RDM'd me first 10 minutes ago ON THE LAST MAP before I killed him on Alps. After I RDM'd Vallerfax, we "make peace" and don't RDM each other anymore. We play just fine on Alps until POP STAR comes on. As I was getting Health from a Health Station, he adds a "Slay" to me, which I assume was when I RDM'd Vallerfax earlier. As I was still getting Health, my Internet crashes (for the second time, the first time was back on cs_Assault, a little after Vallerfax RDM'd me) for roughly 20 seconds. I disconnect and reconnect to the server, only to find that I've been banned for 5 days, apparently for "RDM and leave".

    Is there nothing in place that makes sure that a player CRASHED instead of leaving? Seriously, the least that can be done is WAIT for a player to return, like 2 minutes, before you can safely assume they didn't accidentally "leave". Sheesh.

    Fucking seriously?
    Evidence of Innocence:

    None, because I was too fucking angry during cs_Assault and Alps to even bother taking screenshots.​

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hello Constable Vingt,

    Vallerfax has been banned for his misdoings. You were slain for revenge RDM, which is not allowed. I understand it can be frustrating without a staff member present, but revenge is never the answer if you have to break the rules to do it. I'm afraid you have to serve your full ban duration.

    Have a beautiful day,

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