Denied Collinmrcc's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Collinmrcc, Nov 21, 2016.

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  1. Collinmrcc

    Collinmrcc Brother of MegatroN [Apollo] VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for Loop-holing by Tinbuster. The round starts and I am an Innocent on the Camel map. I am in a tower with three other people, as I recall. We are all on the top floor, I jump from the top window to the window on the floor below, and I look up at the window above. I see a player be pushed off of the building by a crowbar. I walk back up to the room and kill both players left in there, one for the act of pushing and the other for GBA. After talking to the Admin verified, I realized that I was wrong and I RDM'd both of those people on suspicion. But in my reports I responded as so, "he pushed someone off" and "gba". I did not fully understand when and when you could not kill people for GBA so I made the mistake of RDM'ing these two people. After the incident, I take two slays, and then I receive a ban for Loop Holing.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    @Verified @Tinbuster00
    Tagging staff members involved​
  2. veri

    veri Creating Order VIP Silver

    I gave discretion to @Tinbuster00 to ban you for loopholing after discussing the situation with him. Please wait while we gather our evidence.
  3. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey Collin,

    Here are the two reports in question which led to your two slays.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    You were right, RhythmicColor did in fact push a player off the top floor. However looking more into this it was clear you had no evidence as to who actually did it.

    Even later you repeatedly insisted and tried to convince us that you did in fact see RhythmicColor push Rhysser off. You say this both on the mic as shown in the video (at 25 seconds: "Nah bro,I saw you because I was in the window below you and I was looking up and I saw you push him off"), as well as PMing me that you saw RythmicColor push Rhysser off as shown here:
    Later when I did not remove the slays you changed your story and tried convincing me that everyone on that floor would have been GBA therefore you were allowed to kill everyone there..

    After talking to @Verified about the situation we decided a loopholing ban was necessary.

    Something I still find strange is that despite not seeing who pushed Rhysser off you knew exactly who it was. Hell, Rhyseer could even have walked off based on what you saw. Even though there were 4-5 people on that floor and they all could have even been on the other side of the wall and not seen anything you were able to pick out who exactly pushed Rhysser and you knew that he had been pushed.

    You used to be a moderator for several months if my my memory is correct. As being an ex-staff member and having 800 hours on the server, I highly doubt you didn't know what GBA was. Along with that you were banned yesterday for loopholing as well by another staff member. While that that ban had to be undone due to the video file being corrupted, it seems indicative that this is behavior you thought you could get away with and that it will just continue in the future.

    For my part, this ban appeal is denied.

    As Verified gave discretion and globalized the ban, the rest is up to him.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  4. Collinmrcc

    Collinmrcc Brother of MegatroN [Apollo] VIP

    Okay, in my response over PM to you I did not say I saw him specifically, I saw the action of Rhysser being pushed off. (the crowbar makes a noise when pushing, thats how I knew). I know what GBA is, I just didn't know you had to specifically see WHO committed the traitorous act, I assumed GBA covered an area. My claim in a nut shell is this, I was confused on what could be considered GBA because it is a very gray area, and I realized I made a mistake when Verified spoke to me and explained this. As soon as I realized I made a mistake I accepted my slays and took them, you can ask Verified, I was not trying to weasel my way out, I wanted to know how I was wrong, once I knew I agreed to my faults and took my slays.
  5. Collinmrcc

    Collinmrcc Brother of MegatroN [Apollo] VIP

    It all boils down to what @Verified decides I guess, but in my head, I see Loop holing as lying to escape a slay. I did not try to lie, I was genuinely confused, and once I realized this, I asked for my slays.


  6. veri

    veri Creating Order VIP Silver

    My verdict will mirror that of Tinbuster00. Our decision was reached due to the following:
    • Multiple complaints from staff members that you had been trying to loophole lately.
    • The previous ban that had to be rescinded due to corrupt evidence.
    • Your persistence that you physically saw him pushing another player off when you had not.
    • Your overall attitude while talking to Tinbuster00.
    What you told us would have rendered the reports against you as word vs. word situations. The only reason they were not is because of Tinbuster's video above. The fact that you continued to state that you had seen him push the player off until Tinbuster and I directly told you that it was impossible is considered by most a textbook definition of loopholing.

    Appeal: Denied

    If you are not content with the decision that has been reached here, you are free to message either CDriscoll or Kyogre.
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