Denied Coco Is Dead's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Coco Is Dead, Dec 5, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Coco is Dead
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I should be unban because i have never ghosted ever the photo taken of me "ghosting' was false because first of all i was dead ask anyone who i tell them im a t im always dead and it shows when you hit tab and second of all the person who uploaded that photo also pm's me the same thing
    Evidence of Innocence: I do this to a lot of people i msg them when im dead and it shows in tab that im dead i msg them this​
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  2. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Pandora for Ghosting (1st Offense)

    She will respond when she can.
  3. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    Ok being the victim of witch this has happened he said he was a traitor and he will kill me... IN the exact text "Elf IM a T and IM GOING TO KILL YOU U SHOULD OF FOLLOWED BUTT KOS" That is my evidence witch i do have a screen shot of him ghosting... its not that he said he is a t and he is going to kill its that he said "U SHOULD OF FOLLOWED BUTT KOS" This is a first evidence of ghosting. Not even knowing there was a kos on him i was scared because i never even knew he was dead. I thought he was looking for me so later on i pressed tab and to find out he was dead and not even a T.
  4. First of all you even said it "i pressed tab and to find out he was dead" why upload the screenshot if you know i was dead you are just trying to get me in trouble.... you even told me on steam that you wouldnt of uploaded the screenshot if i would have just said srry(for something i did) so you know that this would get me in trouble even you knowing that i was dead you just uploaded it and played it off like you didnt p.s you have pm the same thing before
  5. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    NO i do not You told me information BEFORE i pressed tab BEFORE i knew any of the stuff existed to me i thought you were still alive and for that -1 please do not forgive this appeal
  6. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    And Coco btw YOU MADE EVERYTHING I SAID PUBLIC I said To stop you Said Fluffy to you:Coco Just please stop
    I said You to coco: Please man i donʻt want to do this
    YOU KEPT DOING IT I GAVE YOU A CHANCE MAN All you had to do is say your sorry But know I even have More evidence that Robo knew about you ghosting. he even pmed me so dude work on it man
  7. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    THEN POST IT AND DONʻT Photo shop some Phony Thing Because i can see the lines man...
  8. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    ... not my name man... never did have that name
  9. you just proved its not ghosting because i was dead and it showed in tab cx gg
  10. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    ITs not that coco its that you said you should of followed the kos I'm done here just take a break man
  11. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I am involved in this appeal (I'll prove it if needed) and I doubt I need to say anything before the hammer comes down soon enough but I will say something anyway. Btw, the spam. I would like to say that Coco was questioning @BmTron about if a specifically worded PM is considered ghosting. I'm assuming Coco did try it out on Fluffy and Fluffy sent it to Pandora (Assume because I do not know of the pic Fluffy has of the ghosting). Even after Bmtron said it was ghosting if the person he pm'd didn't know that he was dead it seems he did it anyway. If Fluffy did in fact know Coco was dead then I am sure Pandora would not have banned you for Ghosting but since this is now happening Fluffy must've said to Pandora that he didn't know of your death.

    I'd provide some pics below, but I believe Pandora's gonna have them all in a neatly worded response to you so sit tight.
  12. All i got to say is that ik for a fact he knew i was dead because after i sent that he said oh coco is dead and he just sent the "ghosting" photo in because i did something to him and he got all salty so he got me in trouble
  13. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    Exactly I did not know hot his death nor the kos until he spoiled it for my by putting it in a pm
  14. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    I did not know intact I had NO IDEA YOU WERE DEAD Or KOSED
  15. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    Hey there Coco is Dead, I'm sorry for the delay as I was staffing and prioritizing the server first.

    Let me start that when I joined the server, I was told by two players (@Fluffy and @Santakiller87) that you ghosted to Fluffy. I then approached Fluffy and asked if this was true when he sent me this screenshot of a PM you sent him. In normal cases this isn't considered ghosting, but I went and asked Fluffy, and he didn't know that you were a T at the time. He even made a point in his messages above that he did not know you were dead. The reason it is ghosting is because the general rule of ghosting is telling a live player information they were not aware of by third party means other than global chat, and in this case Fluffy didn't know you were a T or dead at the time. You were even told by an admin at the time (Thank to Robo for the screenshots) that this was indeed ghosting, but I'm assuming the actual screenshots weren't relayed to the staff that were online at the time. Normally I would ask for discretion to reduce this ban as you might have not known about this and the fact that the actual ghosting you did was rather minuscule however I personally believe you need the break considering your attitude in game as well. At the time when Robo was trying to give you help with your question you rudely responded to him and his response and according to Robo, it wasn't the first time you've done that, not to mention your current attitude when responding to your appeal. Not only that, but at the time when you were still on the server, there were multiple people putting bounties on others and it went to the point I almost had to ban a few players for continuously doing it. My point in mentioning that is that you also took part in it which as you can see ended up in the other player (Fluffy) dying because of it as well (because of your message, a player exclaimed after the round started to kill Fluffy because of it). Because of that, I am going to be denying this appeal. If an admin believes it is unjust, I'll gladly accept the appeal/reduce the ban. Your ban is local so you are able to play on of our other 6 servers and EU vanilla might suit to you since you only have hours on Vanilla. While your ban is active please try to fix how you act in game. If you have any further questions or concerns please start a conversation with me on the forums. Thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban.

    Appeal: Denied
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
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