Approved cherrygarcia(dank)'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by cherrygarcia(dank), Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i dont even know what im banned for 28 days for i was playing earlier everything was fine got off got back on and and im banned for 28 days? i dont even know wth i didnt rdm and leave and even that isnt worthy of that amount of ban time? i honestly jus want to know whats going on why am i banned for so long what did i do lol?
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. like im banned from all of them for 28 days i dont even know what happened lol obviously something did after i left game? lol
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    You were banned by @Steven | SF globally for RDM and Leave (Third offence). He will respond as soon as he is able to.
  4. thats weird tho i didnt rdm and leave
  5. i left after next round began and made sure i wasnt getting slain if he added a slay after that how can i have any control of that
  6. this really sucks i never even rdm unless by complete accident and i know for a fact i didnt rdm anyone the round before i left
  7. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Please be patient. The admin will respond as soon as he can with his evidence of RDM and leave.
  8. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    Hello @cherrygarcia(dank) , I banned you for rdming always Hungry for blocking you as seen here; Shortly after doing this you left the server. Although this is your third offence I am willing to unban you if you add me on steam and come and serve a slay.
  9. that alwasy hungry dude was swinging his crobar at me and i was detective so i shot him he wasnt pushing me also he was the guy rdming me for doing innocent objective and raging through chat 5 matches after but thats fine i can do that
  10. it wasnt only until after i left and couldnt defend myself i got a slay for that and it was like 4 or 5 rounds before it was in the alien map
  11. 75% of the people we were playing with that day were on my side about that they were also shooting this guy because he was blocking people and pushing people and preventing people from inno objective as a inno and raging hard at anyone that wanted to do it
  12. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    You are not allowed to kill for blocking. And you are not allowed to kill for crowbar unless they damage you.
  13. ya i know it was more than that tho he was prventing all us innos from doing inno objective and when he did get shot i started shooting door to destroy it to that room in alien and he move in front of it and died then cried rdm for pushing for 6 rounds after and revenge rdmed me one round
  14. so this is what happened i killed a dude that other people also shot at basically cuz he was being a super douche and then i didnt get slain by star for it then 5 or 6 runds later he revenge rdms me gets slain then i leave 2 rounds later cuz i was done for the day come back and i got a slay after i left and im banned from server for 28 days all because of some super douche trying to prevent innos from winning using the inno objective which u would think would be traitours or traitor baiting i mean i dont really care im jus trying to figure out in a situation like this what are u supposed to do
  15. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    Your appeal has been approved.
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