Change to rule "blocking"

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Sefer, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Sefer

    Sefer VIP

    Things were going great until this troll:
    "mleynek19" STEAM_0:1:50178195

    decided to block the ladder(hes an innocent when he does this btw.) that leads down to the T Tester room. We thought he was afk, but he responded and said he wasn't, and simply refused to move. We asked a mod to teleport him away so we could get by, but he told the mod "No." Annoyed, one of the other players shot him to death (many of us suggested killing him because of his blatant trolling, and this one player went through with it.)

    Afterward the player who shot him was punished, and the lil @#$% just said "Hahaha, its still against the rules to KOS blockers."

    The next round he didn't block because he was a T. But after that round, he blocked again until one of us killed him. He continues to cite "its not against the rules." The rules on blocking need to be changed because of stupid trolls like this.

    You have rules saying innocents cant do traitorus acts, well I say blocking innocent/detective passage IS traitorous actions, furthermore it also conincides with camping, so that is 2 rules that it breaks.
  2. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    Its not blocking anything on that map, there are several ways into the tester room, I just happened to inconvience one of them
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    If there was a staff member present during the time, you need to let them know if someone is blocking the ladder as well. You can't kill the blocker and as mleynek mentions, it's not against the rules to block, though I can see why you would be a little frustrated.

    Now, I had a chat with mleynek about this whole situation earlier today and he mentioned that he did to get the traitors because they would never expect firing from the top.(didn't take a screenshot because I didn't know about this thread being made during the time). In my opinion, his actions do seem over the top as far as blocking the ladder goes in the end.

    However, your suggestion of adding that rule to the motd is a little excessive as well. You can simply tell the staff member in charge that so and so is blocking the them from leaving. There are also other passageways that let you leave the area as well (since you're talking about the passageway downstairs in 67th way).
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Considering i was the Staff member on and was dead, you gave me no time to !FSPEC ^ to TP him away, you all just lit up on him.

    Hence the slay.
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    mods need access to the teleport command, I swear. No fspec needed
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    That would indeed avoid many untimely deaths, and would make the job easier for mods.
  7. another reason why blocking, creates a problem, by the time all that has happened. people are shooting (innos or T's) either way blocking, if unable to kill the blocker. it depreciates game play, or is contrary to gameplay. ther really is no reason to block other than trolling. becasue if you are an inno and they are a T they will kill you any ways. but then it would be like traitor baiting.
  8. Sefer

    Sefer VIP

    Exactly. And his response of "Ts would never expect it." is complete bullshit when he does this at the very start of the game and 7-9 people are piled up behind him screaming at him on voice chat. Gee, the T's DEFINITELY don't know hes camping there, its not like 9 people are screaming at him to gtfo the way (sarcasm). Him saying that was just an excuse to try to justify his trolling.

    The fact is, this was the most obvious and blatant attempt at trolling and even a blind person could tell you this was BS on his part. Is this not called "serious" ttt? Are those very specific and listlike rules just for show? Do they not have the purpose of trying to make sure the game is played fairly and punish trolls for ruining the game?

    And yes, your teleporting him wouldn't have solved anything. Why? Because even after we went through with killing him, the T Tester was long since destroyed, because that troll prevented us from getting in there. Mission accomplished for him, he ruined the game and got someone punished.

    edit: What I am suggesting, is making special exceptions as per a case by case basis. When someone is clearly doing this in an attempt to ruin the game, they should be punished for blatant trolling under the same rules as rdm. 1 slay, 2 slay, ban, etc.
  9. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    So then I suggest to slay the players that are so insistent on wanting to slay players doing nothing game breaking.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I just want to inform you that continued "loophole trolls" can get banned for things like that. This is Serious TTT. I would suggest that you stop; you are intentionally attempting to ruin the Karma of other players as well as degrade the Serious TTT server and community. Just because it doesn't break the rules of the server dies not mean that it doesn't hurt the servers. Players come here to play TTT; not be trolled. If a player is preventing them from playing TTT and the staff aren't doing anything about it, then the players will leave the server. I want to point out that you being a VIP+ could also be perceived as the staff playing favorites by not handling a player with ill intentions, just because the donated.

    You have to remember, Mleynek19, that you aren't the only player on the server. Consider the players that are here to play the objective of Serious TTT; which is TTT. I would happily ban ONE player on a server that is causing MULTIPLE possible dedicated players to leave the server.
  11. Sefer

    Sefer VIP

    Thank you for saying this mango. Had I known your response sooner I would have taken a recording of mley personally trying to block me in a corner on the previous map we were just on (the bowling one.) Next time this happens I,ll make sure to record it now that I know your stance on this.